Exorcism 61 – AN Italian’s lady from Fremont

AN did not have any recollection the entire time I was reciting and when I was having conversation with the jinn through her mouth.  Immediately after the jinn left her body she resume conscious and said “what happened?”  “What happened?”  then said “I feel light, my body feels lighter, what happened?”  Then she was in tears.

On Wednesday October 22, 2014 at 7:32 PM – One of my students CM text me stating “Assalamualaikum Tante! My friend and I are coming tonight.  She’s interested in learning about Islam.   See you soon!”

The routine on my Wednesday session during the fall and winter is we pray magrib together, eat dinner, take turn reading Qur’an, I give lecture of a few haditz, read Yasiin and three minutes silent practicing zikr in our heart.  After I shared the haditz I told them about an email I received from Oslo, Norway.  I told my students that I was very excited reading an email from the film student who is interested to make a documentary  about ruqyah.  I was telling them how powerful the Qur’an is because as all my students have witnessed how my patience were cured after I recite verses of Qur’an  on them even though I don’t understand the meaning.  When I was done telling them about the haditz and my story, AN told me that she would like to the spiritual cleansing done on her.  I asked her why she wants to have it done and her response was she just wants it because her mother passed away when she was pregnant and that her life was just like her mother’s life on many ways.  I was not really understand what she meant but it has already late night so I don’t want to waste more time I told her no problem.  I went to the bathroom to take a wudu, I recite verses of Qur’an into a cup of water then I have AN to sit facing the kiblat.  I placed my hhand on AN’s head and shortly after I started I felt pressure from AN’s head on my hand.  I told CM to put her hand on AN’s head to feel the pressure too.  I then started asking question to find out the jinn’s name, how many jinns inside AN’s body, how long the jinn has been in her body etc.  At first the response was the jinn was saying AN’s name when I asked the jinn’s name so I told the jinn that I wanted to know his name not AN’s name then the jinn said his name was Abu.   Below is my conversations with jinn Abu:

Me:  Abu, what is your religion?

Jinn Abu:  shaking his head (not responding)

Me:  Do you believe in Jesus?

Jinn Abu:  shaking his head

Me:   How about Prophet Musa a.s.?

jinn Abu:  shaking his head

Me:  How about Prophet Mohammad s.a.w.?

Jinn Abu:  shaking his head

Me:  Do you know why Allah sat created you for?  Do you believe in Allah?

Jinn Abu:   No

Me:  Allah s.a.w. created you, jinn, and human being to worship Him and to live on earth along side with human being but not in her (AN) body.  Her body is not your home so I am here to help you because if you continue to stay in AN’s body, Allah s.a.w. will put you in a hell fire because what you do is dzolim.  I encourage the jinn to ask forgiveness from Allah swt then I asked the jinn to recite the syahadat by repeating after me which he did.  After the jinn recited the syahadat, I told him to leave AN’s body and not to return to her or any other human being.  I suggested for the jinn Abu to go to Mecca and he agreed.

I recited surah AlFatihah over and over so many times then suddenly AN back to conscious and said “what happened?  what happened?  then she was in tear.  This ruqyah was done at my Wednesday evening Qur’an session at my friend’s house Yullie’s in Daly City so when Yullie saw AN was in tears, she  comforted AN then AN said that she feels good, she feels lighter her body and mind feels clear too.  Alhamdulillah

On October 25, 2014 at 1:53 PM – CM wrote:

“Good morning tante, I just spoke to AN and she is feeling great.:)


Posted on October 22, 2014 at 9:00 pm

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