Q & A 272 – From R in San Francisco

“Hello Tanta.  I got your phone number from Masjid.  When you get a chance please give me a call.  R.”  Txt sent on Sunday April 10, 2016 at 7:48 PM

On Friday April 22, 2016 at 7:36 AM  – ruqyah.net wrote:

Assalamualaikum R, Just got back from umroh insyaAllah I call you this afternoon.  I got your txt when I was still in Saudi.  My name is Tante H, insyaAllah I will call you later OK.  Wassalam

On Friday April 22, 2016 -R wrote:

“OK.  Thank you Tanta”

On my way to work I called R and talked to her.  R said that some one at the masjid gave her my phone number because she was looking for some who can help her.  She is a single mother of two grown up boys who has been facing lots of problems.  She feels that something is blocking her from going forward.  One of her college sons is also having emotional problem which some time the suicide thought came to his mind.  R was told by some one in her home country of India to find some one in the State who can make a tawis for her to help her so she hope that I can make one for her.  I told her that I do not make tawis.  I told her that the masjid have referred many people to me and Alhamdulillah they are all cured with the exception of one Yamani guy in San Francisco because I believe who ever did it to him kept on renewing it – All I do is reciting verses of Qur’an on the person and the cure is strictly by Allah swt.  I do not know how to cure, I do not know to diagnose and what I do is just reciting verses of Qur’an on the person out loud.  R asked how much do I charge for my service.  I told her that I do this Lillahi Ta’Ala but I do accept donation which the money I collected is for the poor and orphanages.  R asked when can she come to my place but she is going to ask her family first when they can go with her to my place so I told her that I do’t do it at my place, since I am dealing with so many different people which is they are all strangers to me, I don’t do it at my home.  But I do go to the patience’s home so we scheduled to meet on the evening of Thursday April 28th.

On Friday April 22, 2016 after my husband went for Friday pray at the masjid, I went to visit one of my patience in San Francisco and brought her zamzam water.  There are three (3) patiences out of many  of my patiences in the US that are good to be mediator (jinn catcher) – One in San Francisco, one in Alameda and one in Brentwood.  In the past two years, my student has been telling me about Ben Helima’s method of performing ruqyah using mediator but I had never done it until a few months ago, in December 2015.  I was with my son and my student in Brentwood to do ruqyah on a college girl.  There were about 90 jinn inside this girl body in which they were all baby jinn and three of them about 5 years old jinn so I had difficulty removing the jinn from the girl’s body.  Her mother was also my former patience who has been cured so I asked the mother if she felt anything when I do ruqyah on the girl and the mother said no, which means Alhamdulillah her mother is cleaned so I asked the mother if she is willing to try to do experience to help her daughter and she said yes.  Actually I did not know exactly what to do but since I always asked Allah to help me so I said to my self “Bismillah” I held the girl and the mother’s hands and start reciting.  Shortly after I started, the mother started to possess Alhamdulillah my first experience was successful so based on my first experience, I in the past three months since I did the jinn catcher, I have done a few ruqyah sessions using this method successfully.  All my three patiences who are qualified to be the mediators told me that they are willing to help me to help others.  In fact the one in Alameda told me that “you have cured me, I didn’t know what to do if its not because of you, so I am willing to help you any time.”  My first choice is the one who live in San Francisco but the problem is she has a five-years-old baby who is still breast feeding.  The one in Alameda is an elderly lady but each time she possessed, she turns violent so I need at least a few people with me to help restrain her and the one in Brentwood is too far to where I live.

While I was visiting mediator I, I asked her if her husband is at home she can come with me to R’s house on Thursday evening because coincidentally R lives a few blocks away from I’s house.  She said yes if her husband work morning, he will be home with the baby but she does not know her husband’s schedule yet so she will let me know.

On Saturday April 23, 2015 at 12:50 PM – R wrote:

“When you get a chance please call me.”

ruqyah.net wrote:

OK later.

On Saturday April 23, 2016 – ruqyah.net talked to R on the phone:

According to R, she spoke to the person in India who has been helping her with her problem, the person in India wanted me to make a tawis for her by writing/reciting verses on the black … (not sure what it is, I was not clear what she means) and that’s it because according to that person, he already has controlled with the situation so he does not want me to do anything else other just make a tawis for her.  So I explained to her that I do not make any kind of tawis and I never give any of my patient anything during treatment or even after treatment.  All I do is strictly reciting verses of Qur’an over the person and the cure is from Allah.  If the patient is possessed during the session, some time I can talked to the jinn and encourage the jinn to leave the patient’s body.  R then said that she does not wants having two people helping her doing different things because the person in India is already helping her, she just needs a tawis from me.  So since I don’t make tawis, she is going to think about it and let me know if she wants to pursue with the ruqyah.  Subnahallah

Posted on April 10, 2016 at 7:48 pm

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