Q & A 281 – From A G in Davis

“Salamunaleykum I live in CA near Sacramento please give me your phone number I would like to talk about removing jinn Thank you A G”  Submitted on Nov 25, 2016 11:57 PM
On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 10:02 AM, ruqyah.net wrote:
Waalaikumussalam A G, my name is Tante H.  Can you tell me briefly the problem you are having?  InsyaAllah when the time permits we will arrange the time to meet and insyaAllah to cure.  Wassalam
On Saturday, November 26, 2016 11:20 AM – A G wrote:
My two marriage  end up with divorce, when I  dealing with people talking business  we fight suddenly  there is no reason, I have a heavy load on my body I am getting tired I contacted many people they confirmed and we tried  cure but nothing happen If you could see if anything is going on or my imagination
On Saturday, November 26, 2016 10:19 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
A G, I am not a psychic so I can not read nor diagnose problem.  Alhamdulillah we have helped many people by performing ruqyah (reciting verses of Al-Qur’an) on the person and the cure is strictly from Allah.  You can call my husband, his name is S and his number is (650) 000-0000.  Wassalam
On Sunday, November 27, 2016 AG called my husband to brief my husband of his problem to set up the date
On Sun, Nov 27, 2016 at 5:49 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
InsyaAllah my husband and I will be there at 12:30 PM on Tuesday Nov. 29th. 
On Monday, November 28, 2016 8:46 PM – A G wrote:

I will be waiting.  Thank you

First session.  On Tuesday Nov. 29, 2016 my husband and I left our home at 11 o’clock to go to AG’s house in Davis.  After hearing the problem AG is having we really hope that Allah swt cure him and as usual before my attempt to perform ruqyah, I recited verses of Qur’an for my protection.  After fajar prayer, I recited Sura Yasiin and a few other verses of Qur’an and while driving to AG’s house I was also reciting ayat Qursi many times non-stop and about half way toward AG’s house, while I was driving, I felt something on the back of my shoulder area so I continued reciting until at least a hundred times.  I knew this was not normal because I was just driving, doing nothing other than driving, suddenly I felt something on the back of my body especially around the back side of my shoulder, it’s a heavy item was placed on the back of my shoulder and I felt the pain which really unpleasant so I recited versus of qur’an, blow it to my hand then I robbed the back of my shoulder with the intention to get rid of the things that hurting me because some how I believe I was attacked perhaps what ever that have been bothering AG knew that I was going to help AG.  But Alhamdulillah shortly after that the hurting, the heaviness and the pain, the weight and the unpleasant feeling were gone.
We arrived at AG’s house at 12:35 PM.  My husband and I quickly took wudu to pray Dzuhur.  Before I started, I asked AG to get a cup of water for me to recite the versus of Qur’an on the water and I also told him to get a plastic bag incase he would throw up.  I gave him a disclaimer form for him to read and sign.  The disclaimer claim is strictly stated that I am not a doctor nor the psychic.  I don’t know how to see jinn so all I do curing my patient is just by reciting versus of Qur’an and if the patient is possessed, I try to communicate and talk to the jinn.  AG agreed and said that when my husband and I were praying zuhur earlier, he went outside by the front door of his house and for a second there is something entered his mind the thought that he would be cured and said I was the one who would cured him.  He added by saying the thought entered his mind was just a second or two so quick then after that he felt the hope that he would be cured.  He has gone through many different imam/syech to help him but to no avail.
Before I started, I told AG to make a doa’ and ask Allah swt to cure him.  I told him that I do not know how to cure, I don’t know how to see jinn so what I was going to do it just reciting versus of Qur’an on him which then he said OK.  I told him to sit down on the floor facing the kiblat and because I was not sure how long would it take, I told him to sit convertible.
Shortly after I recited versus of Qur’an, his body, his legs, foot, hands’ movements, based on my experience, I knew there were jinn presence in AG’s body.  I tried to talk to the jinn but the jinn did not want to say anything.  After many attempts the jinn was still not talking, I then told the jinn to repeat after me to recite the syahadah but even after recited the syahadah, the jinn was still not talking.  Because AG was alert the entire time, so when I was asking for the jinn’s name I said “what is your name?” AG said saying his name so I said I did not want to talk to AG I wanted to talk to you (you in here I meant to the jinn) but still difficult to make the jinn talk even after many attempt and reciting a verses for the jinn to talk etc to I decided just to have the jinn get out of AG’s body.  AG’s hands and his foot were shaking simultaneously, his body movement as if he was being irritated and a few times he was scratching his head.  After about an hour, I think there were lots of jinn left his body so I recited more to end the first session.
My husband and I were always felt bad and always want to help the patient the best we can and always hope Allah cure my patient fast.  I always thanks Allah swt that he gave me the strength and the gift that when I recite qur’an on the patient, the patient cured.  Some time it is depends the severity of the problem, some time even one session the patient is cured.  But after the first session on AG, we felt that there were be many sessions insyaAllah but also the problem is the jinn does not talk to me so since I just discovered a different way by using a mediator, so my husband told him about the mediator ‘s method.  I asked him if it is OK for me to take his picture and we explained to him what his picture for.  I did not promise anything because I did not want to give a false hope but I told him we would try if we can find a mediator we would do it for him and will take a video of the session to show him.  My husband and I also told him that insyaAllah we will help him so we then set up another date and time which is going to be on Tuesday again because my days off is on Tuesday and Wednesday and on Wednesday I am teaching Qur’an so the only available day in a week is on Tuesday.  We set up to be back at AG’s house on Tuesday December 6, 2016 at 2 PM.
On my way home from AG’s house, after my husband and I talked about AG, we decided to call one of the mediators we have used which they were all my former patients.  There are so far four mediators I have in the Bay Area. One mediator (live in San Francisco) has an infant who is still in breast feeding, the second mediator (live in Alameda) is an elderly women, petite and slim, but each time I used this lady, this lady is very violent and always tried to hit me bite me and very very violent so when I used this lady as mediator, she made me very exhausted, and the third mediator lady (live in Tracy) is good, she does not have children, she does not work, she is perfect but the bad part is each time after she does it, she is not going to have a good sleep in the next a few days after that.  She is not only unable to sleep good, sometime she also kicking her foot while sleeping which disturbing her husband who sleeps next to her.  So none of the three mediators I have so far is good this time to use to help AG.  And the forth mediator (live in Brentwood) is very good but her body is too hot so the jinn can’t stay in her body long enough for me to have conversation to help the patient because either the jinn will run away or died in her body (this is what she felt so the forth mediator felt bad knowing that if the jinn entered her body, the jinn would die because she does zikr all the time) So I don’t have other alternatives by asking the lady in my home town whom she was also my former patient and some how after she was cured, her body because sensitive and good to be mediator.  I have tried using her a few times via Skype in the past so we made arrangement to do on AG.
On Thursday December 1, 2016 at 4 PM I set up my Skype but unfortunately there was problem with the internet connection at where the mediator was located so after we tried it twice and kept on disconnected, we did it over FaceTime.  About approximately ten minutes I recited the mediator started to possess.  I called the jinn and started to try to communicate but the jinn was not able to talk so I asked her brother who was helping her and be with her to get a piece of paper and a pen for the jinn to write.  I asked the jinn why can you talk and encourage he jinn to make a doa’ so the jinn can easily talk and communicate with me but then the jinn said the jinn was in the shape of dolphin.  So because the jinn was not in the shape of human, the jinn was not able to talk.  I then made a doa’ and for the dolphin to make doa’ as well asking Allah swt to change the shape.  Alhamdulillah the jinn then started to communicate with me.  It was a female jinn and has no name so I told the female jinn that I like to address the jinn’s name when we talk so I offered to give her a name.  First I asked if she is OK with Aminah, the jinn was shaking her head, did not like to be called Aminah.  Then I names a few names, Nancy, Hadidjah, but the jinn did the same she was shaking her head.  I then said how about Tina.  The jinn was nodding and was OK and she like Tina.  I began to have a conversation with jinn Tina:
Ruqyah.net:  How many were there with you in AG’s body?
Jinn Tina:  Ten (she raised both of her hand with all her fingers up and open giving the sign that there were 10)
Ruqyah.net:  How long have you been in AG’s body?
Jinn Tina:  Fifteen (15) years
Ruqyah.net:  Are you the leader?  Are you the Chief?
Jinn Tina:  Shaking her head
Ruqyah.net:  I need to talk to the leader, I need to talk to the Chief, please have tell the Chief that I need to talk to him.
Jinn Tina:  Who are you?
Ruqyah.net:  I am here to help you and everyone in AG’s body so tell the Chief that I need to talk to him
Jinn Tina was silent for a few second then her body was a little bit shaking then the position the way the mediator sit was different when it was Jinn Tina so I knew that different jinn has came up.
Ruqyah.net:  Assalamualaikum
The Chief jinn:  He was not answering to my greeting but responding using the body movement
Ruqyah.net:  Are you the Chief?
The Chief Jinn:  Hemp
Ruqyah.net:  Chief, what is your name?
The Chief Jinn:  Robi
Ruqyah.net:  Assalamualaikum Chief Robi
The Chief Jinn:  Waalaikummussalam
Ruqyah.net:  How many are there with you in AG’s body Chief Robi?
The Chief Jinn:  Ten
Ruqyah.net:  How long have you been in AG’s body?
The Chief Jinn:  Fifteen (15) years
 Ruqyah.net:  How you get in AG’s body?  Was some one sent you there?
The Chief Jinn:  Yes
Ruqyah.net:  Who sent you there and what is your job?
The Chief Jinn:  His friend
Ruqyah.net:  Where his friend from?  From here in United States or back home?
The Chief Jinn:  His friend
Ruqyah.net:  Why his friend sent you to AG?
The Chief Jinn:  He is annoying – to control his body to make him broke
Ruqyah.net:  Chief Robi, do you know why Allah created you for?
The Chief Jinn:  No, I don’t
Ruqyah.net:  Oh, I am sorry that your parents never teach you but you know what it is not too late to ask Allah forgiveness.  I am here to help you and the rest of you
Ruqyah.net:  Lets do Syahadat with me.  Repeat after me OK, raise up your finger to do Syahadat.  First I recited Bismillah then I recited the Syahadat three times and each time the Chief Jinn repeated after me then I recited Takbir (Allahu Akbar) three times and the Chief Jinn was also saying it.
Ruqyah.net:  What color are you?
The Chief Jinn:  Yellow
Ruqyah.net:  Did you recite the Syahadat from your heart?  How about the others, what color are they?
The Chief Jinn:  Brown, Yellow
Ruqyah.net:  Lets go do the syahadat again but this time do it right! Do it from your heart and tell the others to do the same to do it from their hearts.  I repeat the same first Bismillah, then 3 times syahadat then 3 times takbir and they all repeated after me.
Ruqyah.net:  What color are you know?
The Chief Jinn:  He was silent for a few minutes then he said WHITE
Ruqyah.net:  Alhamdulillah, I am happy for you Allah swt gave you hidayah, Alhamdulillah.  How about the rest?  What color are they?
The Chief Jinn:  He was turning his head to the right, to the left, as if he was checking then he said “WHITE”
Ruqyah.net:  Alhamdulillah, Allah swt have gave them all hidayah, Alhamdulillah.  Now, you are all good now, insyaAllah Allah swt forgive you all and insyaAllah I will help you to get out from AG’s body and you are be free.
The Chief Jinn:  I am afraid.  I am afraid the boss will angry
Ruqyah.net:  No, you don’t need to be afraid to anyone now, when you pray always ask Allah swt to help you, to protect you and if you doing it sincere insyaAllah Allah swt will protect you.  Chief Robi, can you please check if there is a black magic in AG’s body?  (I recited a verses to help the jinn to see the black magic if there is any)
The Chief Jinn:  Nodding (indicating yes there was a black magic in AG’s body)
Ruqyah.net:  Chief Robi, if you help and do good Allah will reward you.  please help AG by removing all the black magic in his body.  Let’s go biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah biiznillah biquwwatta billah (I kept reciting repeatedly and when I saw the jinn already grabbing the black magic from AG’s body, then I said throw it to ocean, through it to the ocean and jinn using both of his hands making a movement as if he was going to throw what ever in his hands by raising both hands up and using the force of his hands, he throw it away.  Then I told him to check AG’s body again and to remove the black magic in AG’s body and not to leave any black magic there so the jinn was doing it over and over a few times and each time the jinn throw the black magic I thanked him.)
Ruqyah.net:  Thank you Chief.  By the way, can you see if there is something in AG’s son too?  (I then recited verses of Qur’an while the jinn was checking AG’s son)
The Chief Jinn:  Everybody hate AG because of me (the Chief Jinn was saying that the jinn in AG’s body who causing everybody hate AG and to make AG broke,  The jinn was also saying that the jinn was controlling AG’s body)
Ruqyah.net:  Chief, please help his son too.  Please also remove from AG’s son please help OK, insyaAllah Allah will reward you for doing good helping others, lets go please biiznillah please (the Jinn then started to focus looking at from the body movement, the look and the hands movements as if he saw something and was going to grab it to remove from AG’s son body, subhanallah.  The jinn then doing the same as I stated above how the jinn remove thing from AG’s son body and throw it in to the ocean while I kept on reciting biiznillah biquwwatta billah many times.  The jinn did it a few times then stop.  I then asked the jinn to double check to see both AG and AG’s son again and the jinn said it’s done it’s done finish.  Off course we are not suppose to listen and believe to what the jinn said but based on my past experience, Alhamdulillah by doing the same like this had helped a few of my patients and insyaAllah Allah swt allows me to help AG and his son by using the mediator and Allah swt cured them, amiiin)
2nd Session.  On Tuesday December 6, 2016
3rd Session.  On Tuesday December 13, 2016
4th Session.  On Tuesday December 27, 2016, on our way back to AG’s house the lady who helped to get rid of the follower jinn from my son in Oct. 2015, called me and to say hi.  We became friend with the lady whose name is Najma Basandid (NB) ever since she helped my son.  My son was born in Queen, New York which unfortunately we did not know that we were living in a haunted apartment and after my son married three times and got divorced three times, we discovered that there was a demon who has been following my son, the demon from that apartment in Queen, N.Y., who prevented my son to have any marriage relations.  I never thought of such a thing because I had ruqyah my son a few times and no reaction at all which then I found out later that the reason there was no reaction was because the demon left his body, not following him, each time before the ruqyah on him.  This lady NB
1.  AG to call his parents and ask for for their blessing.  Tell them that you are in the process to cure and ask their blessing for Allah to make it easy for you to be cured.
2.  While in this precess, you are to hold yourself not to get mad or frustration.  Be positive with no doubt that Allah will cure you.
3.  The black magic was tighten on your ear, eyes, and mouth.  Jinn are guarding the black magic and the jinn the one on your left side is very bad.
4.  The next five (5) weeks.
** Burn the charcoal to burning it then put garlic, habatussauda (the black seeds), and luban.
** AG to take wudu
** AG to sit down facing the kiblat (the direction to pray)
** First to start with the left side of AG’s body from the bottom side up to his armpit then do the right side the same thing from the bottom up to your armpit.
** AG to bow down toward the burning charcoal and try to inhale the smoke.  Do this three times; (1) bow down, inhale, sit down, (2) bow down, inhale, sit down, (3) bow down, inhale sit down.
** Hold the burning charcoal close to his left ear then to his right ear, repeat this three times
** Hold the burning charcoal close to the back of his head
** Hold the burning charcoal close to AG’s feet, first onto his left foot then go to his right foot.
** Put garlic on his belly button
** Hold the burning charcoal close to his body, move it around to cover the entire body to let the smoke around his body
While doing the above, make the intention to untie the black magic and to get rid all of the jinn that guarding the black magic, to remove the jinn from his body.
After completion of the five times, then AG to take shower using the sidr water.
** Ruqyah.net to recite ruqyah onto the sidr
** AG to recite AlBaqarah, the whole sura
** Put the sidr into the water and AG to take shower using this sidr water
InsyaAllah I will bring the garlic, the charcoal, the habattusauda (black seeds), the sidr by first I will recite ruqyah onto the sidr first at home.  Wassalam
5th Session – 1st time burning the luban etc.  On Tuesday January 3, 2017.  Alhamdulillah, the first thing AG told us that he was feeling good and his son’s behavior is also good now toward him.  We were very happy to hear that.  This time we went to AG’s hour with my older sister so when I did the ruqyah on AG, my sister was the one burning the charcoal.  This time when I was doing the ruqyah, AG’s reaction was less than the prior times Alhamdulillah.  When my sister done burning the charcoal, we put the black seeds, garlic, and luban on the burning charcoal and started to do as mentioned above.  AG’s face, subhanallah, looks better and better each time after the ruqyah.  Alhamdulillah
 6th Session – 2nd time burning the luban etc. on January 10, 2017
7th  Session – 3rd time burning the luban etc. on January 17, 2017 –
8th Session – 4th time burning the luban etc on January 24, 2017
9th Session – 5th time burning the luban etc. on January 31, 2017
We arrived at AG’s house at 4 PM.  According to NB, there is one jinn left in his body since I don’t know how to see jinn, around 2 PM I sent text message to NB for her to be stand by so she can assist me to get the last jinn out.   Alhamdulillah the jinn left and it was confirmed by NB that the last jinn left.  But after we told him that he is good now but he was still can’t believe it because he has been suffering in the last fifteen years and already got used to it living that way.  According to AG, his fifteen-years-old son is good to him now, his son went to his office, talked to him and asked him how he was doing etc and he does feel better too but he just can’t believe that he is going to live a normal life.  We have been going back and forth to his house every Tuesday since we started which was on November 29, 2016.  This time we were hoping would be the last time to get the one jinn to leave so before I went to his house, I prepared the Cedr powder and the Cedr leave by reciting sura AlBawarah on the Cedr to give it to AG for him to take shower as what instructed by NB.
AG was very happy but AG have a homework to do to seal his body which was instructed by NB.  The instruction is to do the following:
1.  In the next fifteen days for AG to pray his daily prayer in the masjid
2.  AG to recite Qur’an everyday especially the Alfatihah, Falaq, Annas, Ayatul Qursi and the last two ayats of sura AlBaqarah
3.  After fifteen days for AG to call us to check.  Since we plan to go to Malaysia on February 15th and go to Indonesia on the 18th, we plan to talk to AG on the phone when we are with NB on the 19th for AG to recite Qur’an on the phone so NB can check if he has successful sealing his body.
We left AG’s house approximately at 5:45 PM.  When we were on the freeway, AG called me and said he was not able to recite ayatul Qursi, subhanallah, so I quickly exited the freeway and went back to his house.   My husband went in the house first and AG was on the floor circling as a dog moving around in circle with his tongue out and made a rough sound.  As soon as I went in I quickly called NB and told her.  According to AG, right after we left, he was getting ready to pray magrib and when he tried to recite ayat Qursi followed after sura AlFatihah, he started to have problem reciting so he stopped and called me.  According to NB, the last jinn that was left, after I left the house, the jinn returned to AG’s body and jinn tight himself inside AG’s body.  So I told NB that I would take a wudu first and to leave the phone on.  NB told me to take a few garlic and to cut each garlic into two pieces.  Place one piece of garlic in AG’s belly, one garlic to rub his tongue, for my husband to rub the garlic the back of AG’s body from the top of his spine to the bottom back and forth rubbing it, and to also rub AG’s toe with garlic while I was reciting over and over the last two ayat of AlBaqarah, Ayat Qursi, AlFatihah.  After a while NB instructed me to have the jinn repeat after me to recite syahadat but AG was not able to recite instead he opened his mouth and made a noise struggle not able to repeat or recite.  It took us more than an hour to keep on trying to make the jinn to recite syahadat but was not able to so I recited the verses to show the jinn the hell fire.  After I recited a few times, then I asked the jinn to repeat after me again, Alhamdulillah the jinn was able to recite but with struggle.  So I repeated many time and jinn also repeated many time until the syahadat was clearly and OK.  Then we told the jinn to recite Syahadat alone, to recite takbir then Azan.  Alhamdulillah the jinn was able to do it.  Then I asked the jinn to leave AG’s body. I told the jinn to get out, to leave AG’s body and not to return, and to leave from AG’s mouth and to say Assalamualaikum before he leave.  Alhamdulillah the jinn left.
NB suggested for AG to turn on sura AlBaqarah everyday and to occupy himself reciting especially surah AlFatihah, Al-Falak, Annas, Ayat Qursi and the last two ayats of AlBaqarah.  I told AG that the jinn already got used to living in his body, the jinn did not have to work, did not have to find food to eat, and if the jinn left outside, the jinn have to work hard to survive.  Before we left, I had AG to turn on sura AlBaqarah, and also asked him to recite ayat Qursi a few times in front of me.  At 7:45 PM we left his house.
Before we got off the phone with NB, AG asked if there is anything in his son.  According to NB, no, there is nothing in his son but the jinn the one in AG were effecting his son also, so NB suggested for AG to recite verses of Qur’an on his son by placing AG’s hand on his son’s head while reciting.  NB also suggested for his son to take shower using the Cedr leave as well.
10th Session – Shower with Cedr leave – on February 1, 2017 – AG is to take shower using the Cedr leave I gave him.  InsyaAllah this would be the end of curing AG and AG can live a normal life.
On March 8, 2017 – ruqyah.net wrote to NB:
NB, orang Turki AG kirim salam.  H bilang NB lagi di Mekkah umroh.  Seminggu setelah yg terahir keluar dia bagus sekali hubungan sama anaknya bagus, tapi setelah ini tidak bisa baca ayat qursi lagi walhasil tadi pagi H & S kembali ke dia menurut L yg satu keluar dulu kembali ada didadanya ahirnya H bakar luban asepnya dikedadanya dia H pukul2 belakangnya terus kata L jinn nya ada di leher H teruskan ahirnya kaki jinn nya nyangkut di bawah terus H kasih bawang putih suruh ditaro dimulutnya dibawah lidah Alhamdulillah keluar dia senang sekali tapi ahirnya setelah H sampai dirumah eh dia SMS lagi katanya jinn nya kembali.  Aduuuuh tolong sih NB ajarin H supaya bisa liat dan bisa bunuh jinn. Subhanallah kalau diizinin Allah please apa NB saja yg bunuh jinn nya.  Thanks
On Saturday March 18, 2017 – I wrote to my friend NB who is gifted to see the unforeseen to ask about AG because I already did everything and the last stubborn jinn kept on coming back to AG stopping from him to recite Qur’an etc.
“NB, si orang turki itu terus dia ayat Qursi eh tau2 lidah nya muter2 lagi tidak bisa baca ayat qursi dan marah2 lagi dia bilang masuk lagi tolong NB gimana ngusir ya satu ini yg bulak balik kembali untuk tidak kembali lagi sok ajarin saya gimana caranya untuk ngebunuh yg jahat ini supaya tidak kembali2 lagi apakah yg satu ini asik kembali atau apa ada yg kirim lagi?  Tolong NB saya kesian sekali apakah N bisa usir atau bunuh dari jauh supaya dia bisa baik total”
On Sunday March 19, 2017 – ruqyah.net received text message from NB.
“ruqyah.net, coba tanya dulu apakah org turki punya sesuatu atau pegangan, tanya dulu”
On Sunday March 19, 2017, ruqyah.net wrote:
Dia pernah bilang waktu ketemu saya pertama kali katanya sebelum ketemu saya dia sudah keliling berobat ke orang Pinter dari mana2 tapi mereka tidak ada yg bisa menyembuhkan AG ada yg ngasih jimat dll dan dia sudah buangin semua.  Dia solat dan selalu mencoba tidak batal wudu.
On Monday March 20, 2017 – NB wrote:
“Benar, ya uda dibuangin semua.  Minta foro dia yang jelas OK.”
On Monday March 20, 2017 at 9:22 PM – I sent NB the foto and wrote:
Dia baru kirim foto ini dia foto sendiri malam ini.  Nama lengkap nya A G.
On Tuesday March 21, 2017 – NB wrote:
“OK.  Saya mau liat.”
On Tuesday March 21, 2017 at 2:09 PM – My husband and I went back to AG’s house.  AG remembered there was three boxed filled with doa’ papers from various syech/maulana/ustandz the one he went all over to seek their help.  In one of those boxes, he found a necklace that has taweez.  According to AG, he got that necklace from the maulana in Fremont, California.  So I took the picture of the taweez and sent it to NB. I wrote:  NB, ini yg dia dapetin digerasi nya didalam box banyak tulisan2 Arab bacaan2 dari segala macam ustadz syech maulana yg ngasih ke dia yg lalu2 dia pikir sudah dibuang semua tapi mungkin ini satu ketinggalan.  Saya suruh semua yg di 3 box banyak2 tulisan2 nya di bakar semua.
At 2;13 PM – NB Wrote:
“Iya bakar ajah.  H, suru makan bawang putih 2X sehari pagi sama malam satu biji di potong jadi 4 potong faham belum?  Selama 1 minggu”
At 2:38 PM – ruqyah.net wrote back to NB:
OK barusan jimat nya tak buka ada tulisan nya terus direndam diair, tak baca in ruqyah sampai selesai terus mau tak bawa pulang dikubur.  AG nya sudah bisa baca ayatul Qursi.  Kayanya sekarang si jinn lagi tidak ada didalam nya.  Alhamdulillah ahirnya dia ingat ada 1 jimat yg pernah dikasih ustadz Pakistan beberapa th yg lalu setelah saya tanya, dia cari didalam rumah nya sebelum saya sampe dirumah dia.  Paginya selagi saya ngeruqyah I & Z, sebelum jinn W persin, saya hanya cerita “nanti sebentar lagi saya & suami mau kerumah orang Turki AG kesian dia yg satu jinn terahir asik bulak balik kebadannya dia”  Terus kata Jinn W itu ada sesuatu dirumahnya yg seperti magnet yg bikin jin KH jinn nya banci kembali ke AG.  terus saya ingat sama apa NB bilang/tanya ahirnya jinn W bilang bendanya kesil setengah jari tidak ada dirumah nya itu jimat ada di gerasi.  Saya tanya bisa engga ajarin saya untuk bunuh jinn KH, terus jinn W bilang nanti juga si AG sendiri bisa bunuh terus di ajarin jinn W gimana caranya katanya tulis nama jinn … di kertas putih bakar areng pake luban lebih bagus terus bakar kertas putih yg ada nama jinn nya sampai hangus terus ditumbuk/digerus sampai jadi bubuk terus dikubur selagi ngebakar nya baca banyak2 ayat qursi dan 2 ayat ahir AlBaqarah terus lebih baik lagi kalau baca sura AlBaqarah sebelum mengerjain nya.  Nah saya tidak telp NB waktu saya dirumah AG kerena si AG nya lagi normal, baca ayat qursi bagus, lidahnya tidak muter2, normal.  AG nya kegerasi dikeluarin 3 box terus dibongkar didepan saya & suami banyak segala macam bacaan2 yg dikasih ahirnya saya bukan itu jimat, jimat nya dibungkus ber-lapis2 didalam nya ada kertak kecil ada tulisannya tapi sudah tidak bisa terbaca karena sudah lama sekali terus saya taro di air, saya bacain ruqyah sekarang ada dimobil saya insyaAllah besok mau tak kubur sekarang sudah jam 10:30 malam.  Waktu saya bilang jinn KH itu banci, terus si AG nya kaget sama loncat2 kaget karena menurut AG dia tau tapi malu ngasih tau saya karena sudah 15 th ini dari dia umur 35 dia tidak suka cewe ada cewe yg suka nelpon dia juga tapi dia tidak tertarik.  Walhasil hari ini kita sampe berapa jam dirumah dia waktu saya suruh dia berdoa, dia berdoa tapi ahirnya dia nangis selagi berdao dia bilang dia ampunin semua orang2 yg pernah ngejahatin dia tapi si IMAM ini yg ngambil istrinya dan ngedukunin dia dia serahkan ke Allah dan dia bilang dia tidak sabar untuk the judgement day dihari kiamat selagi dia berdoa saya juga berdoa macam2 ngedoain Ian, anak2 David dan suapaya orang yg ngedukunin anak saya bisa ninggalkan anak dan cucu2 saja, aamiiin.  Wassalam
On Wednesday March 22, 2017 at 12;25 AM – NB wrote:
“Nah, sekarang H faham.  Ya kalau dai ada sesuatu dan jimat hamdlk ke bongkar.  Sudah saya doain agar ke bongkar nah ini dia. H, kalo ada org yg di zolimin bedoa, H cpt ikut doa itu di kabul loh sama Allah Ta Alla.”
On March 25, 2017 at 12:02 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Assalamualaikum AG, this is just a reminder to please continue eating 1 garlic AM and PM also when you burn the name right before magrib you need to really upset when you make the intention and when burning it picture it in your mind how bed the jinn has been ruin your life you need to feel really upset and as if you are really burning the jinn to death.  Because when I was checking what you were doing, you did it but you were not really upset when you were doing it I hope you understand OK.  Wassalam
On March 25, 2017 at 12:16 PM – AG wrote:
“I am in Santa Maria last night with my crew I could make it because magrub I burned night time I will do as you say keep in touch soon thank you for checking and care about me Ok I understand I have low blood pressure so that I am able to get garlic only tiny little also was coming fro.”
On March 27, 2017 at 8:06 PM – AG wrote:
“I am doing my best but I am having hard time I have feeling like I have more than one jinn now I don’t kbow what is going.  Yesterday evening I felt he was gone I got feeling very good this morning I noticed it was back again please let’s do something about it.”
O March 28, 2017 at 1:57 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
I understood your frustration but insyaAllah you just have to do the 40 days without miss or late because the last jinn is now in and out your body so if I see you, the jinn is going to be gone so there is no point for me to do ruqyah because you are cleaned at that time and when I am not near you the jinn kept on trying to bother you. InsyaAllah the only way is to kill the jinn as we have told you how.  Please AG you are going very good so far this is the last thing you need to do.  Without exception you need to burn the name as we told you everyday so if you are travelling, take it with you and stop what ever you are doing, you have to do this every day a few minutes before magrib.  Take the things with you and put it in your car if you are travelling and when you are doing it, do it with the intention to kill him biiznillah some one did zholim on you so you have to do it with believe 100% Allah will help you do it with angry feeling really you are going to kill.  I got this information from jinn W when I did ruqyah this morning.  This is the only way so far AG this is the last thing we need to do.  There is another way but I think it will be hard for you to do by reciting 41 times everyday non stop each day for 7 days.  Please we will continue to find other way too ok.  Wassalam
On April 1, 2017 – AG wrote:
“I got your text thank you for following up I am doing what you say but I am having very hard time ever my emotions keeps changing daily base I have very heavy loads from my legs and body Jin attacking constantly you can call me anytime as well. Thank you again.”
On Tuesday April 4, 2017 at 9:38 PM – AG wrote:
“I recited just now and I had very hard time coughing spitting over and over again I strongly believe jin still in it and nothing is changed I like to meet you tomorrow and talk about it I can come little early and do ruqyah at Daly City please check with NB and L please jinn still in my body”
On Tuesday April 4, 2017 at 10:40 PM – ruqyah.net wrote back to AG:
We will talk to L tomorrow morning if she is free around 11 o’clock our time, can you come to our house in Tracy instead because to meet in Daly City with L too will be too late for in the East Coast.  I will let you know tomorrow OK insyaAllah.
At 10:43 PM – AG wrote:
“OK thank you let me know tomorrow please”
On Tuesday April 4, 2017 – ruqyah.net wrote:
Semoga NB baik2 saja, Alhamdulillah hari ini H berdua W ngerjain orang AG.  H baca 70 kali ayat Qursi minta sama Allah dimudahkan masuken jinn Kharbuus yg jahat ke penjara. Bagaimana pendapat NB?  Terima kasih.
NB wrote:  “Insya allah ya rob saya berdoa untuk kebaikan pecahkan ke jahatan.”
On Tuesday April 4, 2017 close to midnight ruqyah.net talked with NB on the phone about AG.
Per NB for me to do the following:
Per NB, indeed the jin what I did above Allah helped me to put the jinn in the jail but unfortunately because the jinn was very strong, subhanallah, the jinn broke the iron bars and the bad jinn was able to get out from the jail.
NB then suggested for me to burn Charcoal then put luban, garlic and black pepper corn, then the smoke direct it all over of AG’s body including his back, his head, his feet all over his body.  This is to close all the opening in his body from the past when the jinn entered and got out from his body.  Then have AG to recite ayat Qursi and Azan.  If his tongue is kept on turning twisting and kept on putting his tongue out from his mouth preventing him to recite, rub his tongue with garlic.  Continue have him to do his best to recite ayat Qursi while I recite ayat azab (Robbana Itihim Di’faini minal A’zaa bi wala’nhum la’nan kabiiraa) over and over then cut AG’s hair about 3 cm a few hairs from the center in the front and a few hairs from the center in the back side.  Put the hairs in the water, for me to continue reciting, other than the ayat azab, to recite verses2 for ruqyah, then burry the hairs along with the water.  Have AG also to continue recite ayat Qursi to do this non-stop.
On Wednesday morning, I called AG and asked him if he can come to our house instead because on Wednesday I am very busy to cook to bring to teaching tonight.  AG agreed and he showed up at my house at noon.
I did everything what NB suggested for me to do on AG.  But even after tahalul (cutting AG’s hairs and buried the hairs) AG still struggled reciting.  By that time it has already fajar time in Indonesia so I waited to talk to NB.
On Wednesday April 5, 2017 at 2:26 PM – I sent text message to NB:
Sudah dikerjakan sudah baca ayatul qursi dan azan sudah bagus eh tau2 dia mulain lagi sekarat lagi.  AG masih dirumah H nunggu subuh di Indonesia dia pengen bicara sama NB.  NB please telp H kalau pas bangun subuh sekarang AG masih dirumah H please thanks.
On Wednesday April 5, 2017 at 3:23 PM – NB wrote:
“OK sebentar ya 5 mt saya lg zikir ok.”
At 3:25 PM – I wrote:
at 3:28 PM – NB wrote:
“H, itu lidah nya pake garlik”
At 3;39 PM – I wrote:
Sudah digarlikin.  Bisa engga nelp sekarang?
At 3:44 PM – I wrote:
Tadi waktu NB nelp H batal wudu, ke atas wudu lagi sok nelp sekarang thank you ya
At 3:55 PM – NB called on facetime so she can see AG.
NB suggested for me to recite Albaqarah 1 – 5; 101 – 105, the last 2 ayats plus ayat 10/81 Falamma until sayubtiluuh repeated many times
On Wednesday April 12, 2017 at 4:35 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:
AG, I just got off the phone with NB. I haven’t talked to my husband yet, I went to sleep 1 o’clock then NB called so after fajar I will go back to sleep so I may call you around noon.  Most likely you need to go to Daly City because NB told me what to do to have all my students to read qur’an every body read a few juz and you read too and the first sure and the last sura have to be read by you then I recite Yasiin 3 X on the water for you to drink then rub your neck with garlic, rub your tongue with garlic, when we completed recited the whole qur’an, we will do skype with NB for her to see where is the buhul (the black magic that was right up) NB said the one left is very very bad we can’t just kill without going through what we did otherwise the jinn can attack me and my family because this is the last jinn who is guarding the black magic the rest of the team had gone.  OK I will call you around noon after I talk to my husband.
That morning, I discussed the issue with my husband and asked for his opinion.  My husband thought that it was not a good idea for all my students to recite the whole qur’an that night by giving each student to read a few juz so we came up with idea to have a group of people to do it for us with the intention to cure AG.  I called my sister to ask ustadz Dindin if he can help me on this and I am very grateful that ustadz Dindin could help me.  I then called AG to come to Daly City that night to continue with the procedure what NB had suggested for me to do that night.  One of my male students R helped me that night also NB was on the phone (face time) with me.  After more than an hour reciting, rubbing garlic on AG and all the things NB told me and my student R to do, NB then said it’s ok now, the jinn is weak now, we can stop and NB said for AG to keep on reciting ayat Qur’si that night especially and while driving go to home.  But unfortunately even after all the things we did in an attempt to cure AG, when AG was driving home, he did follow our instruction to keep reciting ayat qur’si but half-way toward reaching his home, he started to struggle reciting ayat qur’si again subhanallah
On Tuesday April 18, 2017 1t 3:56 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
AG, Alhamdulillah NB, L (W) and I are working on your case I can’t tell you the detail OK but we all will fasting on Monday and insyaAllah will destroy it on Tuesday of next week so if you can please also fasting just one day this coming Monday make the intention for Allah makes it easy for us to do the job.  Will let you know if something come up before next week ok. Please insyaAllah it is almost over insyaAllah.
At 3:59 PM –  AG wrote:
“Thank you very much I will be fasting on Monday.”
On Sunday April 23, 2017 at 4:55 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Just to remind you to fast tomorrow, I will be fasting too and make the intention for Allah to help cure you insyaAllah soon.
At 4:58 PM – AG wrote:
I will be fasting tomorrow insyaAllah.
On Tuesday April 25, 2017 at 2:08 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Alhamdulillah AG all went as planned this morning.  I called you earlier was just to ask you how you feel, I can’t tell you anything about what we did this morning to you yet because we are still working on it until we found out and confirmed that the one that kept on coming back to you is gone.  This morning at 5:30 AM my time, 8:30 AM East Coast time and 7:30 AM NB’s time we all worked on you, and Alhamdulillah I believe it was successful.  So please let me know about you OK.  By the way we all were fasting too yesterday with the intention to achieve our plan.  Wassalam
I recited the following during the session when both W’s team and NB’s team went to Marrakech to destroy the sihr.
11 times Al-Faatihah
11 times Al-Ikhlaas
11 times Al-Fallaq
11 times An-Naas
11 times Ayat Qursi
11 times – Falamma AlKow koola …. Innallaha sayubtiluh
11 times Al-Faatihah
At 2:53 PM – AG wrote:
“I came home and started reading to see same thing as before happening again.”
At 3:21 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
OK let me try to get both NB and W (L) their opinions and will let you know.  According to NB the reason he kept on returning to you is because the sihir has not been destroyed but we did it this morning.  It was very interesting to what happened this morning, that was my first time doing it that way subhanallah ok I will let you know ok wassalam
On Wednesday April 26, 2017 at 2:44 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
AG, I spoke with NB last night and L & W earlier today, subhanallah W and NB were telling me the same thing.  NB even think why this is very unusual case so NB is going to study & review your case as she at least needs 2 weeks then she will let me know.  W, subhanallah was also telling me the same thing so we all still working on your case OK.  What we did yesterday was successful but let’s see what remaining things we need to do.  W said hello to you, she said from the grandma W.  Wassalam
 At 5:55 PM – AG wrote:
“Is sihir was destroyed or not yet?  When ever you can please give call thank you.”
At 6:18 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Alhamdulillah that’s why I said it was successful but unfortunately W’s team eleven of them were kill. NB’s team were OK.  W’s team were in the front line they were in war because the jinn that guarding the sihr have his team as well so while I was doing it subhanallah I never done this kind before W was crying crying crying but I was told at the beginning I was supposed to keep on reciting a few things W told me to recite so while watching her crying I was reciting subhanallah but NB also confirmed that they were able to open (destroyed) the sihr.
At 7:09 PM – AG wrote:
“I am lighter than before and I am more optimistic since yesterday but I have still poses this jinn.  Last a few days I was extremely heavy headache and tired I slept a few days.  Because of sihir was destroyed killing this jinn I have should be easy now.  I told you before I have very difficult case but I didn’t know that much difficult.  Thank you for letting me know.”
On Tuesday May 2, 2017 at 8:14 PM – AG wrote:
“I am just checking if any progress.”
At 8:43 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Subhanallah you read my mind, I swear to God, I just took my phone to text NB to remind her because she needed 15 days to study your case and subhanallah W with her team were also going to investigate your case.  You are on the top of my list.  Wassalam
At 8:48 PM – AG wrote:
“Ok thank you”
On Monday May 8, 2017 at 9:08 PM – AG wrote:
“How is case going on is there any good news”
At 10:09 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
I talked to N last night she did not get the answer yet tomorrow I have a session with W so I will check with her if her team already get an answer and I will let you know.  I swear to God I haven’t forgotten you everyday in my mind hopefully I get the answer soon even when I do my prayer some night I did include you.
On Tuesday May 9, 2017 at 4:44 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
AG, I talked to W today to see if her team already figure it out what to do with the one following you and bothering you, she said for you to be patience she needs more time because if her team kill it now, it’s team will attack my husband or my son and W really warned me not to kill it now, actually that was exactly what N told me too, so both were telling me the same.  W wanted me to tell you that W loves you and insyaAllah will find the way soon.  In the mean time I always include you too in my prayer OK
On Friday May 12, 2017 at 2:32 PM – NB wrote:
OK saya lagi cari persaratannya.  Ada yang kurang akar kelapa tua tahun 1960.  Yang 9 persaratan uda ada tinggal 3 lagi sabar ya agak susah adanya di gunung Jati di Purwakarta sama di Bogor ini 3 lagi makan waktu.
On Saturday May 13, 2017 at 9:48 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:
OK thank you
At 12:01 PM – ruqyah.net left message on AG’s phone stating what N wrote above.
At 1:15 PM – AG wrote:
“I got your message thank you I have been waiting all I know I had to do something about it my secretary bookkeeper quit last week suddenly there is no reason at all she saying I don’t want to come here I don’t want see I know I feel bad but if I work here I lose health I offered I lot of salary increases but she rejected she was my right hand I don’t know what happened to her she changed it happened same thing exactly my previous secretary and bookkeeper there is no explanation jinn is really massing up with me I just let you know what ever I think it’s happening opposite.”
 At 5:56 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Thank for letting me know I will let W and NB know I think this is one of the reason both NB and W don’t want me to kill the jinn because if we do, it will even get worst situation we are going to do it carefully.  InsyaAllah Allah will cure you soon.
 On Wednesday May 17, 2017 – ruqyah.net wrote:
Just talked to NB, she found 1 more item, the item is the root from an old tree in the village so she is still trying to find 2 more items to complete she has to have before she can proceed with the work to cure you.  Once she is ready, she will call me according to her, I have to recite some sura/verses of qur’an when she is working on you.  Please make doa’ so that N can find the remaining two soon.  I will keep you posed.   Wassalam
On Friday May 19, 2017 – ruqyah.net wrote:
In a few minutes I will recite ruqyah and AlBaqarah on these water for you.  According to NB, while she is still looking the missing 2 items, good for you to drink this water everyday.  Because the one back and forth to your body is running inthe blood.  InsyaAllah I will start doing it now.
On Tuesday May 22, 2017 at 2:53 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Assalamualaikum AG, InsyaAllah tomorrow I will go to your house between 5 & 5:30 PM to bring the water and also per NB’s suggestion my brother, HA also will go to your house.  HA might meet us in your house, so he may get there before me depending of the traffic.  We hope you are home during that time OK.  So InsyaAllah see you tomorrow.
On Tuesday at At 1:40 PM – AG wrote:
“I am in class Sacramento all day today.  I will be home around 5:00 see you then.  Thank you.”
At 1:40 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
On Wednesday at 9:55 AM – AG wrote:
“I just got email from other guys saying I have lot of jinn could you verify please with NB and LL please I will be really get sick.  Thank you”
On Thursday May 25, 2017 at 12:22 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Assalamualailum AG, NB called me last night and Alhamdulillah she already has all the requirements so it is complete for her to work on.  She is in Malaysia now.  According to her, Alhamdulillah what my brother did was good MasyaAllah I believe is to do the part what NB wanted to get it doen on you so she can finish it.  InsyaAllah she scheduled it to do it on June 3rd right before breaking our fast (magrib) to do the following:  1.  Take Wudu, 2.  Make doa’ to Allah to cure you and to allow me and N helping you to cure, 3.  Break our fast then 4.  Sit facing the kiblet recite 100 X AlFatihah, 3 X An Annas, 3 X Al-Ikhlaas while either me or my brother to touch (placing our hand on upper part of your back) your back and at the same time which is the next day in NB’s time, June 4th at 10 AM, NB will do your neck and your tongue – believe me even me still uncleared what she meant but she said the follow up what my brother has done and InsyaAllah that will be the last thing to do in you InsyaAllah – InsyaAllah this is will be be the day we have been waiting for and InsyaAllah Allah will reward you for all the suffering you have been endured in the past 15 years and I personally appreciate that you trust me to help you.  InsyaAllah after this is all done and over we still keep in touch as my family.  Wassalam
At 1:51 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
AG I just wanted to share with you what one of my patients is experiencing right now, he is from Bangladesh lives in New York the reason I wanted you to know is he has kind of same experience what you are having with employee. Here it is:  “Thanks.  I am feeling fine.  Currently problem is blockage.  My business is shutdown because my server is giving a lot of problem.  Some times it doesn’t work and some times it works.  And if I hire people to work for me. They do half of the work and run a way.  This kind of problem I am facing.”  Some time knowing others are also have some problem it may help you I hope that you are not the only one and some other people having severe problem too.  This guy had this problem since 2004 and have gone to many different Syech, Imam and Ustadz which gave him lot of promises with no result.
On Saturday June 3, 2017, as per the instruction from NB, my brother HA and I were in AG’s house to do as we planned with the help of NB remotely done by her while we were doing it.  On my way to Davis from work in Oakland, I did dzikr the entire time to ask Allah swt to help AG who has been suffered in the past 15 years.  Subhanallah my husband and I had done ruqyah to many of our patients of many different ethnicities even to the non-muslim and Alhamdulillah Allah swt easily cured them but subhanallah with AG, we had gone back and forth to his house many times and AG himself had came to my house in Tracy and to my teaching qur’an place in Daly City and AG has not been cured.  Yes, it gets better and better and his relationship with his teenager son has been better too but AG has not completely cured.  I add his name on my doa’ when I made doa’ after prayer and also made doa’ each time I think of him for Allah to cure him so that night, the night of June 3rd I was really confident and happy that InsyaAllah AG will be cured.  According to N, she has gathered the requirements that’s why she said to do it on June 3rd even though during the Ramadan (Actually I don’t do ruqyah in the month on Ramadan but I made exception this time for AG because I really wanted to help AG).
After we broke our fast, we prayed magrib together then as instructed by NB, AG started to recite Al-Fatihah 100 X followed with An-Naas and Al-Ikhlaas 3 X each.  NB was on the phone during the entire time because she was doing it helping me remotely from overseas.  N, masyaAllah, has the sense where the jinn located in the patient body an she has the feeling and knowing things so I am very blessed to have her as my friends who also can help me when I needed her help  When AG was done reciting, I started to recite verses of Qur’an the one I normally recite when I do ruqyah and in the middle of my recitation after I recited ayattul Qursi three times, N stopped me and said it’s enough and told us to do the following:
1.  Cut a garlic into four pieces.
2.  For me to use the garlic to pinch AG’s left toe
3.  HA to touch his back, to rub AG’s neck with garlic, while we were reciting non-stop
4.  Then NB told me to touch AG’s head
5.  Then we were just following the instructions from doing this and that I forgot what else, NB also told AG to rub his tongue with garlic.  I think it was approximately 30 to 45 minutes we were doing it and then NB told us that’s it that’s it, Alhamdulillah Allah allow her to help me by cutting all the things that were tight up in AG’s neck and tongue and all done according to NB also the big one the bad one along with the other one (there were two left before today session) were gone.  NB then told us for AG to quickly eat and drink, because NB said AG was so weak and so tired, AG can be passed out so she said to hurry up eat and drink.  Indeed according to AG, he was tired and feeling weak has no energy exactly as what NB described about AG was having even though NB was overseas, subhanallah.
We were eating dinner (HA bought for us a nice Afghanistan dinner, very nice and very good) so after we eat, AG looked very good and he looked very happy.  AG was telling us about the problem he has been having which causing him to loss his self confident and his self esteem etc.  so NB, HA and I told him forget the past, lets go forward, Alhamdulillah Allah swt help us to cure him, I know it is not going to be easy for a person who had suffered a lot and was forced to live in that condition for so long so the trauma is naturally not easy to be gone.
On Sunday June 4, 2017 at 10:20 AM – AG wrote:
“Salamunalykum thank you for doing all for me i will do my best as I told so.  I just let you know this morning I had the same feeling and symptoms as before when I reading coughing and throw up I will leave as it is.  You and I did our best but when ever you are able check ones a while with N and LL (W) if possible one times please make arrangement with your son whenever he and you can, no hurry when ever please.  You know just the hope.  Thank you again.”
I did talked to NB and also LL (W) who have the sense of knowing, I told them what AG said above, according to both Alhamdulillah AG is now cleaned but the problem he feels is because the trauma so it is psychological effect from having the problem for a very long time.  Both suggested for me to tell AG to fight it and to be strong to fight it because he is OK now to try to overcome the trauma.  Actually before I left his house that evening of June 3rd, HA and I were also telling him the same thing.  The good thing is Alhamdulillah Allah swt allow me to cure him, Alhamdulillah he is cured and I will continue make doa’ for him and I hope Allah swt give his son hidayah, so both AG and his son to continue to be happy as father and son, aamiin.
On Tuesday November 29, 2016 was my fist time did ruqyah on AG and Alhamdulillah June 3, 2017 was the final one so it took so many sessions during six months treatment.  But Alhamdulillah I am very grateful to Allah swt, I syukur that Allah swt give me the means of helping others.  I am doing this ruqyah strictly Lillahi Ta’ala and the money I collected is for the sadakah to the poor and the orphanages in my home country, Alhamdulillah
AG is the most generous patient I had so far.  Each time I did ruqyah he gave me a very decent amount of money so during the six months I collected a lot from him, Alhamdulillah right before this Ramadan, I sent the money to the orphanage facility the one I have been sending in the past years, sent to five different cities in my home country to be distributed to the needy the poor and orphanages so they can use the money to help them during this ramadan.  I also gave some of the money to NB for helping me to help AG, also I sent some to LL for her mother as a way of thanking LL for helping me to help AG, also I gave NB some to distribute to the poor in the area where she lives, she has a group of people who always read qur’an together as part of her curing her patients, I am very grateful having an honest friend Rosidah binti Salim bin Anus who has been helping me distributing the money every year to the poor and the orphanages in the city where she lives, the city where I was born, and distributing some of the money I sent her every year to my friends who are very unfortunate having no job or who are earning very little that can’t even enough to survive.  Other than for the poor and the orphanages, I also sent some money to Rosidah for the masjid the one is under renovation, I donated the money for the masjid on behalf of AG, my Allahyarham father, my mother, Allahyarham ME (she is not my relative but this lady was very good with me when I was growing up, she always came and stayed in my mother’s house, she always took me around, she loved me very much and I learned a lot from this lady during growing up too, this lady did not have any family so my mother’s family is just like her family because my parents always welcome any one and always nice to everyone, masyAllah so in remembrance of this lady, some of the money I donated for the masjid is also with the intention on behalf of this lady ME), and on behalf of NB.  I am really syukur to Allah – very very grateful – Alhamdulillah I am now 63 years old, I am still working full time as an Operation Manager which require minimum of 10 hours working a day and still teaching Qur’an once a week, I hope Allah keep me healthy so I can continue helping others by performing ruqyah on my spare time, aamiin
On July 25, 2017 at 6:58 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Assalamualaikum AG, Alhamdulillah every time I do ruqyah I checked you, and Alhamdulillah you are cleaned, there is one the small one that back and forth to your private part Alhamdulillah we go it gone, it’s GONE and if you feel something it is just the left over the side effect to it (the mark) insyaAllah  will check you again and again.  By the way my husband was asking about you too and i think he did send you a text message just wanted to know how you feel.  If you have a spare moment you can text him and tell him how you feel ok he really wants you to be 100% cured and it’s nice to hear directly from you.  Wassalam
At 9:36 PM – AG wrote:
“Thank you for checking yes he called me and text to me I called him and we talked about it Alhamdulillah I feel much better than before but still sometimes I do feel possessed and scare please check whenever you can.  One other thinks my son changed too his behavior way better and more closer to me how ever he just told me that he was bothered by them he wants to get help please please ask to Nachma about my son if something is going on please I talked with him last week about everything he knows about jinn and reque please one last things if he has something before getting to old let cure him insallah.  Thank you again.”
At 9:41 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
InsyaAllah I will check and let you know.
At 9:42 PM – AG wrote:
“Thank you”
From: ruqyah.net
Cc: AG; AY
Sent: Saturday, February 2, 2019, 6:13:56 PM PST
Subject: Patient in Davis, CA, USA
I am one of the recipients who always received SHEIKH BEN HALIMA campaign notification emails.  I myself Alhamdulillah a raqi and Alhamdulillah Allah swt cured most of my patients.  The reason I am sending this email to you is to ask you if you can ask Sheikh Ben Halima to help my patient AG.  Before AG contacted me in 2016, he had gone to many different raqi and after I did ruqyah on him for the first time, he felt better and he said that he believe Allah would cure him by having me the one who did the ruqyah on him.  But unfortunately feeling good and normal each time after I did the ruqyah on him was only good for some time then he would get attack again and again.  I believe the reason he has not been completely cured is:
* The sihr may have been renewed every so often
* Some of the jinn may have been the follower jinn 
* Some of the jinn is the flying jinn
I did ruqyah on him again earlier today and subhanallah he felt good, I even noticed from his face that he was OK.  Brother AG knew that feeling good and or feeling normal would not last so he asked me if I can contact Sheikh Ben Halima for Sheikh Ben Halima himself, not his students, to help him.  Brother AG will pay for all expenses associated on curing him from the air fare, hotel and other expenses for coming in to Davis, California.  I really hope that Sheikh Ben Halima can help him.  
I look forward hearing the good news from you soon.  Wassalam

Posted on November 26, 2016 at 10:02 am

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