Q & A 384 – S for IQ in Sacramento

“Assalamualaikum Tante H, there is a family in Sacramento, the daughter was a victim of black magic needed ruqyah done.  I told my friend that being now is still lockdown covid-19, perhaps you can help them through face time.  I think my friend is very desperate and it is emergency can you help my friend?”  Submitted on May 19, 2020 at 4:33 PM

At 5:15 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:

Can you have your friend to turn on the advice to djinn for her daughter to listen to and see what reaction she has when listening to it.  Can I call her?

At:5:22 PM – S wrote:

“Sure Tante, here is her number (916) 000-0000.  I really hope that you can help her.”

After I talked to IQ, I sent her the link for daughter to listen too.  I told her not to listen to the audio in a moving vehicle and let me know what reaction she may have.

On Wednesday May 20, 2020 at 7:14 PM – IQ wrote:

“Yes I did turn on the first link.  She calm down.  Right now we are in the car with her because she said she needed to go to the hospital so I got so headache with her situation now.  I have an important meeting tomorrow and actually every time I have to do something important in my career and each time there was an opportunity for me to be promoted, my daughter is acting up.  She would scream then smiling, then angry for no reason, yesterday she broke the door knob of her room.”

I called IQ and talked to her.  I asked if IQ had ruqyah done in the past and she said yes but she was told by the raqi that since she always prays and read Qur’an so she is strong.   There is some one who did the spell on her but her daughter who gets it instead.  She took her daughter to a raqi before but according to her the person who did it to her was kept on renewing it.  IQ also told me that when she is at home, she often feels a presence of something, she feels being followed and or watched.  IQ said that her daughter is not easily be close and convertible to anybody new that’s why her daughter refused to talk to me.  She IQ was talking to me, IQ turned on the video call for me to talk to her daughter or even just see her but her daughter was screaming and shut the door and screamed stating “leave me alone” My first intention was to suggest to do ruqyah on her daughter through FaceTime while IQ with her but her daughter did not want to do it.  I then suggested for me to do the ruqyah on IQ just to test and she agreed so we scheduled to do it on Thursday evening around 6 PM.

On Thursday May 21, 2020 at 12:35 PM – IQ wrote:

  • “Salam Tante,
    Apa bisa kita rukiah Besok Jum’at sore jam 6:00pm.
    Terimakasih ?”
    At 1:16 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
    Jadi besok ya OK InsyaAllah
    At 1:21 PM – IQ wrote:
    “Iya Tante! Insha Allah ?”

May 22, 2020 – ruqyah.net did the first session via facetime.

rqyah.net wrote:  When ever you are ready OK
IQ wrote:  “I am ready”
Before I started, I told IQ to have garlic and water in a spray bottle ready.
There are two Malaysian’s ladies who live in IQ’s house so I asked them (A & F) to help me if I needed their help.  I asked them if they ever witnessed ruqyah done in the past, F said she had but not A.  IQ said her daughter wanted to seat with her so I told everybody to seat all together and told them to recite sura AlFatihah.  Shortly after I started, I noticed IQ’s eyes kept on blinking rapidly and her daughter leaned her head on IQ’s shoulder and fell asleep.  Because I already noticed the presence of the jinn, I started to communicate but no response.  So I asked F to get a piece of garlic for IQ to put in her mouth and another garlic to rub around in IQ’s forehead while I continued reciting.  Then I told IQ to follow me to recite the shahada (one of the Five Pillars of Islam and part of the Adhan, declaring belief in the oneness of God and the acceptance of Muhammad as God’s messenger) three times followed with a few times takbir.  Then Alhamdulillah the jinn started answering to my questions.
ruqyah.net:  What is your name?
Jinn:  Was shaking his head didn’t want to say his name
ruqyah.net:  Are you male or female?
Jinn:  Male
ruqyah.net:  What’s your religion?
Jinn:  Shaking his head
ruqyah.net:  Do you know why Allah created you for?
Jinn:  shaking his head
I started lecture the jinn that the Allah created human being and jinn to worship Him etc.  then I asked the jinn to make doa’ for Allah to give the jinn hidayah then I asked the jinn to recite shahada again following with takbir which the jinn did.  To make a long story short, Alhamdulillah the jinn converted to Islam, then I named him Umar which he agreed.
ruqyah.net:  Jinn Umar, how many are they in this lady’s body?
Jinn Umar:  a lot – they are all male and one female jinn
ruqyah.net:  How long you’ve been in this lady’s body?
Jinn Umar:  Long time
ruqyah.net:  Why you are in this lady’s body?  What is your job?
Jinn Umar:  I like her
ruqyah.net:  Allah created human being to be with another human being and the jinn to be with another jinn.  Jinn are not supposed to like human being and not to be in any human being’s body because if you continue doing what you are doing, you are being unjust (zolim) so I am here now to guide you to do the right thing and to leave her body.  I told jinn Umar to tell other jinns in the lady’s body for all them to recite the shahada and followed with the takbir which according to jinn Umar they did.  According to jinn Umar some jinn did convert to Islam but not all.  At that point I was already so thirsty and pressured to end the session because I was fasting (the 29th day of Ramadan) and there were few minutes left to break the fast.
I suggested to jinn Umar to tell the rest of the jinns to leave the body.  I suggested to go to either to Mecca or Madinah and jinn Umar said they choose to go to Mecca so I told him OK to say Assalamualaikum then to leave.  I continued reciting then I asked jinn Umar why he is still in the lady’s body?   Jinn Umar said the others jinn had left but he another jinn didn’t want to leave.  So I told jinn Umar that I needed to talk to the other jinn.
ruqyah.net:  What is your name?
Jinn:  was shaking his head
ruqyah.net:  Are you male or female?
Jinn:  Male
I then told the jinn to recite shahada followed with takbir which he did.  This jinn voice is so different with the jinn Umar.  I named him Ali and he agreed.  It has already a few minutes past 8 PM and I approaching to break my fast but Alhamdulillah the jinn left the lady’s body and IQ resumed conscious.  I quickly ended the session to break my fast.
On Saturday May 23, 2020 at 8:49 AM – IQ wrote:
“Assallammuallaikum Tante H,
Terimakasih banyak sudah meng rukiah IQ dan G.  Tidur G dan Saya sangat enak semalam.   Masha Allah G sudah banyak perubahan nya setelah di baca kan rukiah melalui link yg Tante kasih.
Maaf ya tante, berapa harus nya Ita bayar untuk service yg tante berikan.
Terimakasih banyak. Semoga tante sekeluarga selalu di Lindungin oleh Allah SWT dan selalu di murah kan rezeki nya?
Taqabbala Allahu minna wa minkum Minal Aidin Walfaizin.  Mohon Maaf Lahir dan bathin.
Selamat Hari Raya Eidul Fitri 1 Syawal 1441 H.
Mohon Maaf lahir dan bathin.”
At 11 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Alhamdulillah wa Syukurillah that Allah s.w.t. made it so easy for me to communicate with the jinns that were in your body last night.  Those jinns were not Muslim jinns, Alhamdulillah some of them converted to Islam but according to Jinn Umar the one I mostly communicated with, not all of the jinns there accepted Islam yet, but since it has already almost iftar time also after I recited lots of verses of Qur’an, I was very thirsty so I didn’t try to lecture more about Islam instead I asked jinn Umar to check for black magic in your body and your daughter, Alhamdulillah jinn Umar destroyed the black magic and according to jinn Umar some of the jinns has left your body.  There were two jinns said that they didn’t want to leave and wanted to stay in your body but like I said I was pressured with the time which was almost iftar time and I also I was very thirsty I convinced them to leave then you were throwing up and you back conscious.  You look very tired when it was done with almost two hours ruqyah session.
My recommendation is to do the follow up by doing ruqyah one more time just to make sure all jinns had left your body and your daughter body.  We can arrange that some time soon InsyaAllah.
Also I remember you mention when we first talked on the phone that you often felt presence of something in your house and some time you felt that you were being watched so I highly suggest for you to clean your house.  I some time brought my Qur’an students with me when cleaning people houses so we can do the same but with this pandemic we are in lockdown time, so we can talk about this at a later time.  Let’s now focus in cleaning you and your daughter first.
Alhamdulillah I do ruqyah Lillahi Taa’la, and the appreciation money I collected is to be donated to the poor and orphanages in Indonesia, my sister in Indonesia who always distributed the money every year, Alhamdulillah so I do not set any amount, and what ever amount you give is considered your sadakah too.  You can send via zelle any time.  Thank you for asking.
At 12:30 PM – IQ wrote:
“Masha Allah Tante Thank you so much.    Kalau bisa minta Zelle nya?”
At 12:54 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
It’s my phone # (650) 000-0000
What do you think if cleaning your house and do one more time ruqyah to make sure no hidden one left.  We can ask your friend S to help me when cleaning the house because she had gone with me cleaning houses too.
At 1:11 PM – IQ wrote:
“Ok Tante. That’s sound good ?”
On Saturday May 23, 2020 at 2:00 PM – I spoke with IQ’s friend S and she said that she would help me when I clean IQ’s house as long as in the weekend.
At 2:18 PM – ruqyah.net wrote to S:
S the following weekend is on May 30th and 31st.  I haven’t told my husband yet but which day is better for you?  Is IQ working on the weekend?  Because my suggestion is to do the follow up not to far apart so if there is still jinn inside her, the jinn wouldn’t recruit other jinn or have the jinn that left last night the one is not converted to Islam yet to return .  You can talk to IQ and let me know I am available either Saturday or Sunday if we have the date I will talk to my husband.
At 3:25 PM – S wrote:
“The 30th is better tan because on the 31st I booked to play golf”
At 3:44 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Ok let’s plan it for the 30th I will talk to my husband is he ok me to go OK.  You can talk to her too let’s see if arrived there around 11 AM so it’s not going to be too late because cleaning the house and ruqyah her and her daughter too.
At 4:03 PM – S wrote:
“Tan jam 9:30 mrk ada Dentist aptm sampe jam 1. Kl anak malaysia itu Ada dirumah Tanpa Ita bisa kan ya?”
At 4:45 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Why don’t we start at 1 then kita bisa mulain sebelum Ita nya datang
At 5:41 PM – S wrote:
“IQ dirumah sekitar jam 1”
At 6:01 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Ok InsyaAllah I just talked to Oom Said OK for me to go.  Just let me know the address OK thanks S
At 7:07 PM – S wrote:
“Sure tan, bareng Saya kan?”
At 7:15 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Gimana bareng you are from SF and I am from Tracy.  If it’s from Tracy just take hwy 5.  Gimana ya?
At 9:03 PM – S wrote:
On Saturday May 30, 2020 ruqyah.net went to IQ’s house to do follow up ruqyah and to clean IQ’s with S help.  I arrived there a few minutes before S and as soon as we got there IQ already prepared lunch for us so she offered us to have lunch with her.  I told her lets just do the work first but she insisted to eat first so we did.  By the time we finished lunch, it’s time for dzuhur prayer.  On my way to IQ’s house, I called my brother D who live not far from IQ’s house if he is free to go to IQ’s house to help me with the reciting sura AlBaqarah.  Then S was also telling me that my former student SM who does Uber coincidentally on his way to Sacramento taking someone so SM asked for IQ’s address and offered his help.
IQ sit on the floor facing the direction of prayer (Kiblat) and I seat on the left side of her.  I told IQ to recite Al-Fatihah with me followed with saying Allahu Akbar min kulli Syaitan, Allahu Akbar min kulli A’in, Allahu Akbar min kully sihr, Allahu Akbar min kully hasad, and Allahu Akbar min kulli Jinn.  Then I was about to start reciting, suddenly IQ swung her hand and hit me once.  Wooow I haven’t even recited anything yet other than sura AlFatihah, subhanallah, so I started to communicate with the jinn that hit me.
Summary of the conversation with four (4) different jinns is there are two guys who interested marrying her but she is not interested to remarry after her husband passed away two years ago.  She lives with her daughter.  She has a good job but she was curious each and every times she was about to get promoted, some body else who got promoted instead of her.  She received lots of compliments of being a good worker, her work is exceptional outstanding and her boss also very happy with her.  The first jinn who hit me was a male jinn, 59 years old, married, has two children and atheist.  After I lectured about God and why God created jinn and human being etc., the jinn agreed to syahada and this jinn agreed to be named Mohammad.  Jinn Mohammad said there are lots of jinns in IQ so I called the other jinn to talk to me.  The second jinn was a female jin, her name is Jinn Merry, Catholic, and was sent by a Cuban magician who was requested by a Latino co-worker who works with IQ.  The Latino co-worker jealous toward IQ for two reasons; the latino co-worker like the higher up manager but the manager likes IQ also she blocked IQ for any promotion opportunity.
Actually before today ruqyah session, a few days ago, IQ had told me about her situation at work.  Each and every time she has the opportunity to be interview for the upcoming promotion or important meeting with the possibility her moving up at work, her daughter started to act crazy, some time her daughter would smile for no reason, then scream for no reason, and acting crazy.
After I lectured jinn Merry, Jinn Merry agreed for syahadat and converted to Islam.  Jinn Merry mentioned that there is a little boy in IQ so I called and talked to jinn boy.  The jinn boy’s name Achmad, 10 years old, from Afganistant and stays in the chest area of IQ.  Jinn Achmad was sent to IQ to protect IQ.  After I lectured jinn Achmad & I told him he does not need to protect IQ, we have Allah s.w.t. who protect us so I told jinn Achmad to leave but jinn Achmad was determent to stay because he was told to stay and protect IQ.  So SM suggested to call jinn Achmad’s father to come.  So I asked jinn Achmad to call his father but jinn Achmad said he does not know where his father is because according to jinn Achmad his father left his family and abandoned him, his sibling and his mother.  So SM called his father to come which he did.  Jinn Achmad’s father name Abdullah.  To make a long story short, I told jinn Abdullah to take his son Achmad with him to get out from IQ’s body.
Each time after the jinn recited the syahada and to destroy the black magic the one in IQ’s body, I always asked if there are any other jinn and I was told yes there is the master.  So I called the master, he is 63 years old, catholic, and his name is Jinn Bizi.  According jinn Bizi, the two men are competing each other and both like to marry IQ.
Alhamdulillah all black magic in IQ’s body have been destroyed and also Jinn Mohammad, Jinn Merry, Jinn Achmad have also left IQ’s body so only the master which is Jinn Bizi that is still in IQ’s body.  It has already more than two hours so if I continue the session to convince Jinn Bizi to leave, IQ will be very tired so I stopped the session.
Since IQ’s house was also haunted, with the help of S, SM & D we cleaned the house.
On Sunday May 31, 2020 I talked to IQ and according to IQ, her house is good now, she does not feel being watched anymore and she is not seeing a scary vision in her house anymore.  Alhamdulillah
On Tuesday June 2, 2020 at 12:00 AM – IQ wrote:
“Tadi yg jahat itu nongol terus di muka Saya.”
At 9:26 AM – IQ wrote:
“Thanks tante.  Tadi malam kira kira hampir jam 12 malam, dia sudah mengpack kopor nya dan sambil ngantuk dia ngomong sama Saya bahwa di nungguin jemputan paar nya.  Terus Saya ngomong pelan pelan dan bimbing dia untuk Berdoa dia mau.  Tapi langsung Marah dan kemudian dia tidur sama Saya sambil peluk Saya.  Saya bangun Karena mau kerja, dia pun ikutan Bangun. Sudah beberapa Hari dia tidak kerja.”
At 2:54 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
InsyaAllah besok sore (Tapi tidak pasti) rencana mau kerumah IQ karena sudah di Sacramento, ponakan nikan jam 2 tidak tau jam berapa selesai nya, kalau tidak ada halangan kita mampir.  Sukur2 kalay G available kalau pas dia mau keluar ngobrol TAPI tidak usah kasih tau dia kalau kita mau datang.  JANGAN buat apa2, jangan Masak apa2 buat kita jadi tidak merepotin juga karena 50/50 kalau bisa mampir nya, rencana tante mau liat keadaan apakan follow up you ruqyah atau apa belum pasti OK.  Kemungkinan besar jam 6 PM.  Wassalam
At 7:23 PM – IQ wrote:
“Alhamdulillah G sudah banyak perubahan nya.  Dia sudah mulai kerja.  Semoga ketemu Besok ya tante.  Bawa Om ya.  Biar IQ bisa ketemu.”
At 10:11 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Jangan report2 Oom engga ikut hanya tante, anak & mantu dan ponakan tapi insyaAllah ya nanti dikabarin kalau sudah selesai pernikahan nya jadi tau jam berapa nya.  Trima kasih.
At 10:25 PM – IQ wrote:
“Ok tante.  Ada satu lagi yg aneh terjadi pada G kemarin.  Tiba tiba kemarin Hari Jumat pas G lagi kerja.  Komputer nya tiba tiba lambat.  Kemudian dia disuruh bos nya ke kantor.  Untuk kerja Hari ini.  Pada hal semua orang orang kantor bekerja dari rumah mereka.  Nah Saya tau ini pasti perbuatan seseorang menganggu anak Saya lagi.  Jadi Tadi G pagi buta ke kantor nya walaupun dia masih begitu tidak enak badan.
Juga Saya dapat email dari kantor Saya bahwa mereka overpay Saya di tahun 2018 August dan September 2018.  Saya baru lihat email nya Hari Jum’at.  Sementara email nya ini dikirim kan ke Saya Kamis kira kira jam 1:30 siang.  Nah ini pasti ada permainan kan
August pas Saya naik Haji
Nah pas 2018 sudah hitung hitungan dengan Mantan bos Saya dan juga bagian Human Resources tentang kesalahan hitung yg mereka perbuat.  Saya juga ada bukti nya Waktu itu.  Kemudian komputer Saya di kantor di acak acak.  Di Ganti mereka.  Jadi semua bukti yg Saya punya sudah tidak ada.  Sebab sudah 2 tahun lebih.  Kan Gila nih manusia.  Di bilang mereka bayar over payment 2 Hari 2 jam di bulan August 2018, mereka overpayment 1.5 jam.  Gila tidak nih tante.”
On Suday June 7, 2020 at 6:26 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:
It does not make any sense.  Lagi pula bukan nya hal yg besar ini sudah jelas permainan Subhanallah
At 6:37 AM – IQ wrote:
“I know!”
at 4:30 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
I am leaving now InsyaAllah will be there in less than an hour.
On Sunday June 7, 2020 afternoon, ruqyah.net with her family went to IQ to clean her house and to do follow up ruqyah session.

Posted on May 19, 2020 at 4:33 pm

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