Q & A 283 – From A in Bahrain

Assalam Alikum, My nephew is suffering a lot. her behavior is not good, now she stop going to school also. What to do, We are from India. but I am staying in Bahrain and my nephew is in india. We went to many aalims but no cure. I got many ruqyah but at home no one is available to perform ruqyah. she is even not listening to quran also. Pease suggest. Jazakumullah Khair..”  Submitted to my son’s site “RemoteRuqyah.com” on Tuesday, December 27, 2016 11:13 AM

On Sunday, January 15, 2017 8:34 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:

Waalaikumussalam A, my son Abdullah forwarded your request to me and my apology for not getting back to you sooner I completely forgot because I was very busy lately.  One of my patients a few years ago was the same as what you described about your nephew.  She was a high school girl who also stop going to school and every night got up at 2 o’clock she couldn’t sleep anymore etc.  Luckily she lived in the Bay Area so my husband and I along with a few of my students went to her house to clean the house and to do ruqyah on her.  So since your nephew is in Bahrain, insyaAllah you can do it yourself by following my suggestion below.  This is what I would do if I were you:
1.  You take a wudu then do two-rakaat sunnah prayer with the intention that you are going to clean the house and ask Allah to help you, make doa’ for your nephew too.  
2.  Then recite sura Al-Baqarah on the water.  Blow the air from your mouth into the water every time after you read a few ayats.  
3.  Go around the house by reciting Ayat Qur’si and tell the jinn in the house to move out and if the jinn is a good jinn, a muslim jinn does not want to leave, say it that this is your house, if the jinn wants to stay there too not to bother anyone in the family, if anyone in the family did something without recite bismilah and hurt the jinn, such as pouring hot water or do something else it is not your family fault, and for jinn not to revenge.  Do this to every room in the house.
4.  Go to ruqyah.net site, go to prayer, and have your nephew listen to the link available there.  If your nephew refuse to listen, play it at night when he sleep.  First listen to advise to Djin a few times then do the ruqyah to burn.  Let me know what reaction your nephew have.  If the problem is not severe, by doing this insyaAllah it will cured him.  
The above is my suggestion for you to do first.  InsyaAllah it will work.  You should not have any doubt and must believe that it will work.  The second alternative is by doing ruqyah using the jinn catcher (mediator) as describe in remoteruqyah.com   Hope this helps.  Wassalam

On Sunday, January 15, 2017 11:17 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:

“Jazakallah khair brother..

I am staying in Bahrain but my nephew is in india.. and no one is able to read Quran over there..
Even my nephew is not listening to any Ruqyah audios..
Please suggest.
Jazakallah khair..”
On Monday, January 16, 2017 10:17 AM – ruqyah.net wrote:
A, I am also cc this email to my son Abdullah with hope he can help your nephew so you can communicate directly to him.  My son and I both have been helping patients by performing ruqyah but our method is different.  I am more direct by reciting on the patient but my son is doing it remotely using the mediator (jinn catcher) so the patient is not necessary to be present.  Off course, we both feel the same that we don’t know how to cure so the cure is strictly from Allah swt and it depends to the severity of the problem or sickness, therefore it can be one session or more to cure.  We both doing it in shake of Allah, Lillahi Ta’ala, but if you want to pursue it by using the mediator, my son has to arrange the availability time of the mediator and he expects monetary compensation to pay the mediator’s time and effort.  Alhamdulillah he has been doing this for quite some time and Alhamdulillah Allah swt had helped him to cure others, MasyaAllah so I hope Allah swt will also cure your nephew, amiiin.  Wassalam

On Monday, January 16, 2017 10:21 AM – A wrote:

“Jazakallah khair brother.
Please arrange for the sessions.. Don’t worry about the compensation that I will pay.
If you arrange for the session then please let me know the date and time so that I can inform my sister over in India.
Jazakallah khair.”


Posted on December 27, 2016 at 11:13 am

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