Q & A 15 – From Jani in UK

Submitted on 2013/02/05 at 10:42 pm (UK Time) – Jani wrote:

“Pls help me I need healer  I’m cursed.i wan cure it.can anybody help me??”

On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 12:16 AM, California (USA) time, ruqyah.net wrote:
Jani, I think you are in U.K. right?  Well, if you can not find a ruqyah practitioner, you may want to try to listen to the audio verses of qur’an on ruqyah.net
Go to prayer then click the link to listen to verses of qur’an
Put it high volume
Before you start listening, you need to take a wudu (the cleaning/washing before you pray)
Sit down facing the kiblat (direction of the payer)
Do not do anything – just sit down and listen to the audio
Do not listen to the audio in a moving vehicle or while you are driving
Pay attention to your body
Believe in God that He will cure you
You may experiencing unusual things such as numbness, dizziness, something moving up and down inside your body, feet, hands, crying or feeling irritated and want to stop listening to the audio. These are some of the reactions you may be experiencing so any of these reactions is normal which means there is indication that something (jinn) in your body. Just remember there is no power stronger than the power of God so God Willing by listening to the audio you’ll be cured. It depends to the severity of your problem, you may need to listen to it a few times or everyday for longer time.
We live in San Francisco so since you live in U.K., you may want to try listening to the audio available on ruqyah.net. Hope this helps and good luck. Wassalam

Posted on February 5, 2013 at 7:20 pm

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