Q & A 67 – From H in San Jose

“Assalamualaikum, i need help.  I’m here in San Jose CA.  Plz can you help.”   Submitted on 2013/08/29 at 10:22 pm

 On Saturday, August 31, 2013 9:34 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Waalaikumussalam H, my name is H. Most people call me Tante H. How can I help you with? Wassalam
On Sep 11, 2013, at 9:50 AM, H  wrote:”When is the best time to call you.  Wassalam”
On Sep 11, 2013, at 9:54, ruqyah.net wrote:
The best time is when I am commuting from & to work – I have an hour to talk because I live in Pacifica & I work in Oakland airport. I start to work at noon tomorrow so give me your number I will call you insyaAllah between 11 & noon. Wassalam
Wednesday, September 11, 2013 12:32 PM – H wrote:

Here is the # 000-000-0000
On Friday, September 20, 2013 10:54 PM – H wrote:
“Hello H can you set appt for next week on Tuesday 24.  Please let me know.  Thank you
You can call me @ 0000000000 Wassalam”
On Saturday, September 21, 2013 – ruqyah.net called H:
We have scheduled an appointment at 10 o’clock to help an Algerian lady in San Francisco so InsyaAllah will see you ba’da dzuhur.  Please text me your address and please have some one else with you when we do ruqyah on you.   
On Saturday, September 22, 2013, 12:23 PM – H wrote:
“0000  S st., San Jose, CA 95136. H”
On Saturday, September 22, 2013, 1:06 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Thank you insyaAllah will see you Tuesday.
On Tuesday, September 24, 2013, 2:30 PM – First session ruqyah done on H
H has been suffering for very long time from having nightmares every night, could not focus at work, while driving, or doing anything, feeling hopeless, one time even driving through the red light unconsciously, since difficult to do the daily chores at home or at work, she quit her job.   According to H’s husband, some time he saw H was talking alone and when he asked her, her response was the jinn was talking to her so thats why she was talking.  Her husband said he did not believe in such of this can happen to anyone so he suggested for H to see the doctor.  Her doctor gave her anti depressen madications but according to H, since she knew that the reason she was acting or feeling such a way was because the jinn/jinns who has been in her body so she did not take the medication.  Because she knew that her husband does not believe on this, she was searching to cure herself by trying to get help not from the regular doctor.  She has spent lots of money but she still have the problem.  She went to Utah, Minnesota and other States to cure but according to her, the raqi who did the ruqyah on her was not doing to each patience at a time so there were about twenty people gathering in a place while the raqi do the ruqyah on them at the same time.  Some other Syech was just writing on a piece of paper for her to put the writing in a water for her to take shower and charged her $300 for it.  Each time she tried getting help from the raqi or any syech she felt better for short time then her problem resume.
After her husband talked to one of his friends who then made him realize about H problem, he began searching on-line to find some one who can help his wife.  According to him, he found ruqyah.net and after reading the stories and the testimonials, he contacted ruqyah.net
When we arrived at H’s house, first my husband and I pray dzuhur then we were listening to their problem as mentioned above.  I asked H’s husband to give me a glass of water and to put a tiny salt in it for me to recite verses of quran over it for H to drink.  Then I begin the ruqyah on H.  Shortly after I started, she started to have the reaction by swinging her head and the top part of her body.  I started to asking some questions such as what were their names etc.  One jinn name Abdul Hamid started to talk to me.
My question:  What is your name
The jinn:  Abdul Hamid
My question:  How long have you been in H’s body
The jinn Abdul Hamid:  Very long time
My question:  How you get in H’s body.  Did some one sent you there?
The jinn Abdul Hamid:  No, I went in alone when H was ten years old when she was playing on the ocean
My question:  What religion are you?
The jinn Abdul Hamid:  I have converted to Islam, I did it with the syech when H went to get help in another States.
My question:  How many jinns are they in H’s body?  Are you alone?
The jinn Abdul Hamid:  No, there are three other ladies with me.  But they are not Muslim
My question:  OK can you please call them one by one to talk to me?
The jinn Abdul Hamid:  They are here, you can just talk to them now
My question:  Hi jinns, what are your names?
The jinn:  Francesca
My question:  Francesca, what is your religion?
The jinn Francesca:  I am cristian
After talking to Francesca for while, she agreed to convert to Islam so I helped her to recite sahadat three times then Francesca told me that she would like to change her name to Fatmah.
I then talked to both jinn Abdul Hamid and jinn Fatmah encouraging them to ask Allah swt to forgive them and to leave and not to return to H’s body.  It was not easy at first because they kept on saying that they did not want to leave, they have been in H’s body for a very long time but Alhamdulillah, both agreed to leave.  First Abduul Hamid followed by Fatmah. 
I then called the remaining two jinns to talk to me by asking what your name?  Jinn Maria responded by saying “Maria, my name is Maria.”  I very much did the same with Maria as I did to Francesca by lecturing her that she would be punished if continue occupying H’s body, encourage her to leave and be free and staying in H’s body like in a jail etc.  When I asked her if she knew why Allah swt created her, the jinn and human being, she said yes she knew.  Then I told her to ask Allah swt to show her the hell fire then her head was shaking with the expression she was afraid.  Then I told her to ask Allah swt to show her the Nur (the light) of heaven then she was smiling.  To make the long story short, the agreed go convert to Islam so I recited the shahadat three times for her to repeate and she did.  Without me asking, she immediately told me that she wanted to change her name to Mariam.  I started calling her Mariam and no longer calling her Maria.  I asked her if she knew that both Abdul Hamid and Fatmah had left she said yes they went to the Jinn’s Mosque in Saudi.  So I suggested for her to follow them by going there, to leave H’s body and not to return.  At first she did not want to leave her younger sister alone in H’s body. 
Jinn Mariam:  I don’t want to leave my sister alone.  
My question:  Where is your sister?
Jinn Mariam:  she is here with me, she still young, 25 years old and her name is Federica
I then said to her not to worry about her, I will talk to her later after Mariam left.  She then agreed.  Then I told her not to return to H’s body.
After Mariam left, I started calling Federica.  Federica is so stubborn.
ruqyah.net:  Hi Federica, do you know that your sister had left H’s body and went to join Fatmah and Abdul Hamid?
Jinn Federica:  Yes, she I know
Ruqyah.net:  Your sister loves you and wanted to safe you not ended up in the hell fire if you continue staying in H’s body.   You know why Allah swt created you?  So let me help you to do the same as I did to your sister OK.
Jinn Federica:  No, I don’t want to leave.  I am cristian and I don’t want to be a Muslim.
Ruqyah.net:  Do you know that what you are doing it dzaliim?
Jinn Federica:  You are using the the muslim’s word, I don’t like muslim
Ruqyah.net:  Yes, you know what it means right, by staying in H’s body, you are dzaliim.  But I will help you because all these time you did not know, you followed your sister so its OK just Allah swt to forgive you, Allah swt will forgive all bad things you’ve done in the past.  Going forward, after converting to Islam, ask Allah swt to forgive you, you are going to be clean and you can go to heaven. 
Jinn Federica:  No, I don’t like Islam, I don’t want to be a Muslim. 
Jinn Federica is so stubborn.  It was a long conversation with her to convince her to follow her sister to no avail.
Ruqyah.net:  Do you want to be burn, you don’t have a choice either you leave H’s body or I would burn you.  Muslim does not force people/jinn to convert.  You have the right to choose which religion you want, I can only suggest you to better yourself in-case you don’t know but if you insist want to stay as Christian, its fine.  You know right, even Christian’s believer when doing a bad thing God will put you in the hell fire? 
Jinn Federica:  Nodding – as if telling me she knew and understood. 
Ruqyah.net:  OK you can stay being Christian but I wanted you to leave H’s body
Jinn Federica:  I don’t want to leave, I like her, I’ve been here for a long time, I am afraid to leave, I don’t want to leave outside
Ruqyah.net:  You know what Federica, you don’t have no choice now, either you leave or I would burn you.
Jinn Federica:  Its OK, I am used to it being burned because H always recite ayatul Qursi.  I don’t like it but H recite it all the time.
I then asked my husband to get me a garlic so my husband asked H’s husband to get the garlic then he gave me.
 I continued reciting while rubbing the garlic behind both of H’s ears but suddently H got kind of violent.  H’s husband came to help me by restraining H and I continued reciting.  After about an hour and half I decided to stop to continue some other time at least three jinns had left.  I told H’s husband we would return next week with hope Allah swt would make me easy to get Federica leave H’s body.
On October 2, 2013, 11 AM – second session ruqyah done on H
When my husband and I arrived at H’s house, her husband told us that two days after we left last week, when he noticed H was possessed so H’s husband went to the kitcten to get garlic then tried to do the same the I did it to H on the first session. H’s husband recited verses of Qur’an and tried while rubbing the garlic on H but according to H’s husband, Federica made fun of him by saying “what are trying to do?”  H’s husband said he started say something talking to Federica and said “I want you to leave my wife alone I will try to get you out of my wife’s body.”  According to H’s husband, Federica told him that no, he can not do it, he can not do the same as the lady because she is very strong.”  I could not believe what I heard so I immediately say MasyaAllah but at the same time, subhanallah, I then remembered what other jinn had mentioned about me previously when I was performing ruqyah on some one.  The jinn was telling the three guys who were helping me at that time that I was strong, smart and I was white (not sure what white means but that was what the jinn said.  I then also remembered the other jinn told me a few years ago when the jinn said I did not want to hurt you and when I asked why the jinn said because I am a nice person.  I asked the jinn how does he know that I am nice, his response was “I know, you are a nice person so I don’t want to hurt you.”  I quickly recited astagfirullah, lahawlawala quatta illa billah because I really don’t want to believe what the jinn said about me.
On this second session, I brought with me incent to burn while I performing the ruqyah on H.  But Federica was still so stubborn did not want to leave so after many attempt to lecture jinn Federica about Islam etc and still did not want to leave, I told Federica to think about it by giving her a time to think it over because by staying in H’s body, Allah swt will put her in the hell fire then Federica said she would leave but not now.  I stop the session to continue some other time.
On Wednesday, October 9, 2013 11:03 AM – ruqyah.net sent email to H’s husband:
Assalamualaikum, I am attaching the PDF file of Ayats (ruqyah) to burn for H to listen everyday and a few times a day if it is possible until Federika give up. InsyaAllah will pick you up later this afternoon between 4 and 5 so you can come to our gathering again tonight. And your husband can do the same picking you up from Daly City.  Wassalam
On Wednesday, October 9, 2013 6:17 PM – H’s husband wrote:
“Thank you”
On Monday, October 14, 2013 1:02 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Assalamualaikum H and D, I think the file I sent you last time was the written one and not the audio. So here it is I am sending you the attached audio verses of qur’an to burn the jinn. InsyaAllah if you keep on turn it on for Federica to listen, she will eventually give up InsyaAllah. I will contact you again InsyaAllah when my husband is returned from his trip in a couple of weeks. Wassalam
On November 27, 2013, 11:11 AM – H wrote:
“Assalualaikum sister how are u please call me, I am back I love to see u”
On November 29, 2013, 7:26 PM – ruqyah.net wrote:
Assalamualaikum H ok insyaAllah tomorrow night will go to your house I will bring my student S & my husband ok not sure what time will txt me when we leave the house
On November 29, 2013, 7:28 PM – H wrote:
“Ok will wait you tomorrow night insha allah”
 On November 30, 2013 – The second follow up ruqyah done
My hope on this second follow up was to be able to get the last jinn Federica to leave H’s body.  So far there were three jinns left H’s body.  They are Abdul Hamid, Francisca (Fatmah) and Maria (Mariam).  With the help of my husband and my student S, I thought it would be easy this time and or at least in an hour we should get it done but to my surprise there were more and more jinn coming out.  The first four jinns claimed that they went in on their own when H was still very young (10 years old) while H was playing (swimming) on the ocean in Somalia.  I thought the fourth jinn name was Federica, a twenty-five-years old lady jinn which I thought that was the last jinn but then a few minutes after I begun reciting verses of qur’an and when I noticed H started to posses, I was calling Federica to talk to me but the jinn was telling me that it was a male jinn name Federico and not Federica.  After a long conversation with Federico, Federico was insisting to stay because he loves H.  Federico said he afraid to leave H’s body because he does not know any one, he does not want to leave because he loves H, and Federico also stated that H is a good person so he feels bad to cause H not to be productive etc.  Federico was Christian.  I told Fededico that I came to H’s house that day was to help him to leave H’s body, I told him taht God (Allah swt) will forgive him what ever he did wrong in the past because he did not know better, I was trying to convince him to take the sahadat and to ask Allah swt to forgive him and to leave H’s body.  He did take sahadat a few times but each time after he recited the sahadat, his color kept on changing from yellow, purple, green and other color other than white.  When I asked him whether he sincerely reciting it from his heart, he said he did but he was still confuse so he kept on going back and forth.  My student S was also telling Federico about the reward and the paradise etc.  S recited verses of qur’an to ask Allah swt to show Federico the beauty of the paradise and also recited verses of qur’an to ask Allah swt to show Federico the jahannam (hell fire).  After Federico saw both the hell fire and the paradise, Federico did not want to go to hell fire so S and I told him the only way to avoid from going to the hell fire was to leave H’s body.  I made a doa to Allah swt to show Federico a beautiful female jinn.  Shortly after I made the doa, Federico was smiling.  So I told him what happened then he said yes, she is beautiful.  At that time I found out about Federico saw a beautiful female jinn so I asked Federico to find out her name.  Federico said her name was Khadijah.  Between S and I kept on telling him that Allah swt created jinn to worship Him and not to live in H’s body, jinn is to marry another jinn and not suppose to like/love human being.  Federico recited sahadat again and after that time, he said his color was white and he wanted to change his name to Muhammad.  We then told him if he would marry Khadijah and Mohammad said yes so I asked him to ask Khadijah if she would marry him too.  A few second later Mohammad told me that yes Khadijah has agreed to marry him too. 
After we heard that, my student S then told me to let get them marriage at that time.  It was so fast and what entered my mind was that was a good thing so that Federico (Mohammad) would leave H’s body after marrying Khadijah.  Without delaying further, I then asking Mohammad the following:
ruqyah.net:  Mohammad, do you want to take Khadijah to be your wife?
Mohammad:  Yes, I do
ruqyah.net:  Mohammad, please ask Khadijah if she wants to marry you. 
Mohammad:  Yes, she said OK she would marry me
ruqyah.net:  Recited surat Fatihah then said “I pronouce you now husband and wife” congratulation
ruqyah.net:  Before you leave H’s body, where you gonna go for honeymoon?
Mohammad:  I want to take my wife for honeymooon to Al-Aqsa
ruqyah.net:  Great, that good.  You can go to Al-Aqsa you have wings right?
Mohammad:  Yes, beautiful wings.
ruqyah.net:  great.  
S:  Where are you now in H’s body.  Where are you located right now.
Mohammad:  On H’s right hand.
S:  OK, from where you want to leave H’s body?
Mohammad:  from H’s foot
S:  OK, go to the right foot and bring all your part to the right foot.  Do not leave any part in the body OK
Mohammad:  OK
S:  Just say Assalamualaikum to us before you leave
Mohammad:  OK
A few minutes later H resumed conscious.  S and I were looking at each other and our eyes were starring at each other expressing our silent langguage with a question … “Mohammad left?”
S and I asked H how she felt, was she remember any thing at all during the entire time we were communicating with the jinn inside her body?  She was smiling and asking us how were we doing etc.?  I wanted to make sure the jinn has left so I decided to recited ruqyah again out loud using the portable speaker.  It was not right away, but about ten minutes later, H started to react which indicating there was jinn inside her body.  So I started to asking question as to what her/his name etc.  A male Jinn Achmad appeared.  We asked Achmad how many jinn inside H’s body and his response was six, six including him.  S and I then asked him to bring everyone up to talk to us.  Achmad said they were with him and for us just to start to talk.
S and I started to talk to one by one and their names were:  Fatimah, Maryam, Abdul Karim, Francis, Abdul Hakim.  So with Achmad, there were six jinns.  I begun to lecture them and telling them to leave H’s body.  We told Achmad to get them together and to tell them to recite sahadat and to tell us when they were ready.  After Achmad said they were ready, I begun to recite sahadat for them to repeate after me.  One by one they left and H was back and forth became conscious.  I repeated the same over and over by reciting verses of qur’an each time H resumed conscious.  The last jinn that was difficult to leave was Achmad.  I asked him why didn’t he leave with the rest when prompted to do so.   Achmad said that he couldn’t leave because he was sent to H’s body to guard something.  We asked who sent him there and he said the black magic.  I asked him who sent the black magic to H.  Achmad said that H’s friend Ferdosa did black magic on H.  S asked Achmad to look for the black magic and where the black magic located in H’s body.  Achmad said the black magic was in H’s head.  I brought with me a spray bottle filled with holly water so S gave the spray bottle to Achmad to destroy the black magic while we recited the verses of qur’an to help the black magic while Achmad spraying H’s head.  H was wearing head cover so I helped lossen up her head cover so Achmad can easily spray H’s head.  A few minutes later Achmad stop spraying so I asked him if the black magic was gone.  Achmad said yes the black magic has gone, has been destroyed.  H resumed conscious.  By that time we already spent more than two hours so it was already too late which was 9:30 in the evening.  According to H, her head felt lighter and felt better that evening.  Alhamdulillah, we then went home. 

Posted on August 31, 2013 at 9:34 pm

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