Exorcism Audio # 3 – Jen in Iraq

On November 9, 2012 at 6:44 PM (Iraqi time) – Jen wrote:  “Salam w alaikum, I believe I have had evil eye since I was 16 and it was so bad it has effected my life in a big way that I get so depressed. I also was engaged in february and I believe I had black magic done on me as my fiancé left without a good reason and would be so bad to me and would say that I have become black in his eyes. Also in other people eyes as now I have no more friends nobody wants to be near me most of my family 90% of them are the same. I went to a sheikh and he said I had black magic done on me vey badly. Is there anyway I can call you and you do ruqiyah on me over the phone? Please? It has for so bad that I tried to kill myself 3 times and sometimes I just freeze and don’t really understand anything around me.”
On Friday, November 9, 2012, 8:10 PM (California time) ruqyah.net wrote:
Assalamualaium Jen, where do you live?  I live in the Bay Area (San Francisco, California).  I always turn off my cell phone when I am at home and the best time for me to talk on the phone is when I am on my way to work which is between 2 and 3 PM.  Why don’t you give me your phone number, InsyaAllah I will call you if you are in the U.S. My name is H so you can call me auntie or tante H.  The picture on ruqyah.net is my son’s picture Abdullah who made the website for me.  InsyaAllah I call you as soon as I hear from you.  Wassalam

From: Jen – Date: Friday, November 10, 2012 (Iraqi time)

“Salam w alaikum auntie H thank you so much for replying to my message. I am currently working in Iraq. So inshallah if I can call you it will be 1 am here I think when it is 2pm where you are. For me that’s no problem as long as I can get this black magic off me.

I do get scared sometimes and last night I had a dream the jins were making it hard for me to breath and I would scream but the jins wouldnt let me breath so I didn’t have enough air. I had both arms spread out like they were holding me down. When I woke up from this my arms were in that position just like my dream. Subhanallah.

Inshallah if it is ok with you I’ll call you and I will give you my number so you know it’s me when I get your number to call you. I’m scared if I am alone for ruqiyah… They won’t be able to harm me late at night? When ruqiyah is done inshallah and I am alone it’s ok?  W. salaam
On Saturday, November 10, 2012 (Iraqi time), Jen wrote:
Sorry I forgot to add my number: 009640000000000
On  Friday, November 9, 2012, 9:57 PM (California time) ruqyah.net wrote:
Jen, since you are in Iraq, please do not call me because I can not do ruqyah while driving to work so you may want to find some one who can do the ruqyah for you.  Perhaps you can go to the masjid and ask the imam there.  What you can do also to listen to the ruqyah on my blog, the ruqyah.net.  Go to the prayer field then click the verses of qur’an.  But first you need to take a wudu as you do the cleaning before you pray (sholat) then sit down facing the Ka’bah, the direction of the prayer, and listen to the audio ruqyah on ruqyah.net out loud.  Make sure you are just sit still and not to do anything while listening.  The best is just sit down doing nothing but listen to it.  DO NOT LISTEN TO IT WHILE IN THE MOVING VEHICLE or while you are driving.
There are people who contacted my blog and since they are far away, they do listen to the audio and Alhamdulillah it helped them so you may want to do the same.  There were family in India, a guy in Africa, in U.K., a lady in East Coast of the U.S., in Canada, and Alhamdulillah after they listened to it a few times, they are cured, Alhamdulillah.  It depends to the degree of the problem so some people only listen to it once and others had to repeated a few times.  Good luck OK
Jen, what you do in Iraq?  May I ask you what ethnicity are you?  I am a Yamani descent and have been living in the U.S. since 1975.
Let me know what reaction you have when you are listening to the audio verses of Qur’an on my blog OK.  Wassalam
On Saturday, November 10, 2012, 12:33 PM (Iraqi time) Jen wrote:
“Salam w alaikum, Inshallah I will check the website again and look for the audio. I went to a Sheikh but he mentioned nothing about ruqiyah, but inshallah I will ask and see if anyone can do it. I am originally Kurdish but I lived my whole life in London, England. Now I am working as an English teacher here alhumdulilah.

I was reading your blog and feel confident in your work and inshallah I will try and find the audio. Please if you get any time off work let me know so inshallah if Allah wills I can call you. Inshallah I will be in touch. Should I have anyone in the room while I do it? Just in case. I feel quite scared about this.  Jazakallah w khairan auntie. May Allah bless you inshallah
On Saturday, November 10, 2012, 5:44 PM (California time) – ruqyah.net wrote:
Yes, it is better if you have some one else with you in the room when you are listening to the audio.  Make sure put at high volume, the higher the better.  Because when I am doing by reciting it out loud, throughout the session while I was reciting verses of Qur’an, off course I was tired too so my voice kind of gotten lower a bit or higher a bit in some verses so I was told when I was reciting louder, the tinggling feeling inside the person body got faster as if the jinn was running up and down in the person body.
The most recent incident was last week when a lady who live in Virginia, the East Coast of the U.S., (I did not have time to record it in my blog yet) was holding the phone just to be still connected via the phone line to my niece who lives in Maryland not far from Virginia all of sudden the lady was shaking very hard even the phone she was holding fell.  The shaking was just for a few seconds.  But Alhamdulillah, her husband is now VERY GOOD to her.  Subhanallah.
Jen, I am a victim myself from the influence of the black magic for 31 years so my husband and I are doing this now to help Lillahi Ta’Ala. I do not put any price for my service but some people whom I did the ruqyah directly on them they did give me some money and the money I donated to the orphanage and the poor in my home country.  So what you can do for me is just make a doa (prayer) for my children and grand children for Allah Subhana Wataa’a give them hidayah, guide them to the right direction and they becomes good Muslim and Muslimah Aamiiiin.
Please keep intouch and let me know the progress OK.  Wassalam
On Monday, November 12, 2012, 9:00 AM (Iraqi time) Jen wrote:
“Salam w alaikum aunty H, I was wondering if anyone you know can know or see if there is something in me or if something is wrong by webcam? Is this even possible.

May Allah bless you so much in this life and the next for all your help and reward with u with the highest paradise Ameen!! Jazakallah w khairan.”

On Monday, November 12, 2012 ruqyah.net wrote:

Jen, leave everything to Allah s.w.t. DO NOT EVER go to any one who can see the ghaib even if the person is seemed a pious person.  Alhamdulillah I only can recite Qur’an and had helped many people so by reciting the qur’an, Allah s.w.t. cured the person.  Any one who can see the ghaib means that person has a haddam (employ the jinn) which I think the name is Karin (the name of the jinn).  Through the jinn the person read or see the ghaib.  We are not supposed to go to any psychic or fortune teller but we are allowed to go to any syech, imam, or ustad/ustadah to cure.

Have you tried to listen to the audio on the ruqyah.net?  Just keep on listening to it and InsyaAllah, Allah s.w.t. will clean you.  All is at Allah’s will.  Don’t miss the daily prayers and ask Allah s.w.t. to guide you always in the right direction and give you strong faith, healty, and rizki barakah, Aaamiiin.
If you are in facebook, you can see my picture holding my grand daughter.  I would love to see you too.  Wassalam
On Thursday, November 15, 2012, 8:29 AM (Iraqi time) Jen wrote:
“Salaam w alaikum aunty H, I still haven’t done it yet there’s no one that can really be with me while I do it so inshallah I will go to a masjid and ask a mullah and inshallah of he know about it I will ask and see if he can read the ayats from the Quran and perform ruqiyah on me or for him to just allow me to listen to it out loud in the masjid where I will feel safer.
Is there a sound file I can send me because I access everything on my phone and when I go to the website it downloads only while I am online and does not work offline.
Inshallah I will have a Facebook account and add u.  Jazakallah”
On Thursday, November 15, 2012, ruqyah.net wrote:
Yes, here it is the file.  Please upload it onto a CD.
Let me know OK.  Wassalam
On Friday, November 16, 2012, 11:39 PM (Iraqi time) Jen wrote:
“Salam w alaikum aunty H, I’m feeling really disturbed, is it possible things can be moving around in my room? I’ve heard two things now but I don’t see anything that could possibly be making that noise. Is it all in my head? And then when I say bismillah rahmani Raheem straight after I get shivers. What do u do? Is it just me, is it in my head? Have I gone crazy?”
On Saturday, November 17, 2012, 12:41 AM (California time) ruqyah.net wrote:
This is what the person was experiencing when listening to the audio.  Read below.

On Nov. 10, 2012 N in Pensylvania wrote to ruqyah.net:

Asalaam Alaykum Brother/Sister,

I live in PA, actually am suffering from Jinn problem I have many issues but the jinn is inside me and i recite quran a lot and keep my prayers but I dont see any difference. do you know anyone in the east coast who can help me. Or please let me know the verses so I can recite. All help will be appreciated.

Jazakallah Khayrn! N….

On Monday, November 12, 2012, 9:42 AM (Pensylvania time) N wrote to ruqyah.net:

Jazakallah I listened to it once, a bit irritated, I have listened to many ruqiya tapes but Inshallah I will keep listening to this Inshallah!  As I am emailing you I am listening to it at work, I can feel my right side of my stomach vibrating movements Subhanallah!

On Saturday, November 17, 2012, 7:43 AM (Iraqi time) Jen wrote:
“Dear Aunty H, Jazakallah for both your emails it’s a great help! May Allah bless you Ameen!!”
On Saturday, November 17, 2012, 10:36 AM (California time) ruqyah.net wrote:
Have you tried listening to it?  By the way, in a couple of days my husband and I will be travelling overseas so I don’t have access to my email so just letting you know.  Will be back end of the month.  Wassalam
On Wednesday, November 21, 2012, 6:55 AM (Iraqi time) Jen wrote:
“Dear Aunty H, I haven’t listened to it yet as I can’t find someone to be with me. Would it be really bad if I listen to it by myself?”
On Thursday, November 29, 2012, 12:43 AM (California time) ruqyah.net wrote:
Alhamdulillah my husband and I just returned home from our short holiday to Istambul, Turkey and Alexandria, Egypt.  Alhamdulillah we got back home a few hours ago.
Jen, if I were you, I would start listening to it asap.  It is OK you can do it alone just to make sure you are just sitting down and not holding any shart object such as a knife or any heavy or dangerous item nor while in a moving vehicle (while driving).
Take wudu (the cleaning prior to do the prayer), sit down facing the kibla (the direction when we pay) and listen to the audio verses of Qur’an on ruqya.net out loud. Let me know what experience you are having when you are listening to it and let me know OK.  Wassalam
On Monday, December 3, 2012, 8:35 AM (Iraqi time) Jen wrote:
“Dear aunty H, I hope u had a lovely holiday with ur husband, inshallah u will be blessed with many more 🙂
I did the ruqiyah today and when I did it I felt tingling in my left hand and pain in my left leg. During the beginning I felt a poke on my left shoulder too and I felt as though something was over my left side that was pretty strong that it made me suddenly open my eyes. At the beginning I was breathing very heavily and felt very hot. Towards the end I felt more calm but again I felt something was over my left side. This happened about 2-3 times but the first time it was more strong. When it was in Surat al Fil I felt a numb strange feeling on my forhead but once that surah was over it went away. Towards the end I got some weird pain in my belly below my belly button but that only lasted a while but I started to feel like there was a heavy feeling on my stomach like I was going to be sick but it wasn’t that strong. Also towards the end I started to get a little headache but that went after the ruqiyah was finished. When it did finished I felt quite a bit lighter. I did it after I prayed asr just before maghrib….
Could this mean anything? The two days ago I listened to some ‘manzil’ on YouTube for 2 hours and I felt great pain in my left toe… My left side seems to be affected. But I’m not sure if this means anything.  Jazakallah w khairan.  Hope to hear from u soon inshallah”
On Monday, December 3, 2012, 10:35 AM (California time) ruqyah.net wrote:
Excellent !!!!!!! I am proud of you.  Thats great so keep on doing it the more often you do it the better to irritate the Jinn.  We don’t know how long the Jinn have been your body, we don’t know how many so you need to keep on listening to it until you do not feel anything when you are listening to it OK.  You did a good job.  Wassalam
On Tuesday, December 4, 2012, 7:46 AM (Iraqi Time) Jen wrote:
Salaam Aunty H

Thank you 🙂 inshallah I will keep on doing and inshallah I’ll be free soon 🙂 May Allah Bless u and ur family for all the great work ur doing! Ameen!!
On Friday, December 7, 2012, 3:21 AM (Iraqi time) Jen wrote:
Salaam Aunty H, how are u? inshallah you are well 🙂

Alhumdulilah I did it again today and I thought I would keep u updated…
In the beginning my left leg quickly felt pins and needles but then it went away. I had some strange burning feeling on my right arm that would come and go. That after a while went away too. Suddenly my legs especially my left leg felt a lot of pins and needles so much it hurt a lot but when I would put my hand on my leg I couldn’t feel my hand against my leg. During Surat dil I had the same numb feeling on my forehead but it was less than last time and it went away alhumdulilah. The pain in my legs was the maj. Thing but when I finished and stood up it went away and I only had a little bot of pins and needles. It was strange that this time I had a bit of a headache before I started doing it but alhumdulilah during the ruqiyah my headache got much better and is pretty much gone. Does this mean anything?
Jazakallah w khairan Aunty
On Friday, December 7, 2012 at 9:21 AM (California time) ruqyah.net wrote:
Subhanallah, definitely it means something.  If the person is cleaned, he/she is not going to experience as you described below.  Good job!  Continue listening to it until you don’t feel anything – InsyaAllah the more often you are doing it the Jinn will give up and leave your body, Aamiiin.
What you also can do when you feel the burning, the pin and the numbness, you can talk to the jinn by imagine as if you actually see the jinn and tell the jjnn to leave and not to return.  Lecture the jinn that Allah s.w.t. created Jinn and human being to leave on earth but not to leave in the person’s body.  For the jinn to ask forgiveness from Allah s.w.t. because if the jinn decides to stay, the hell fire is the place for the jinn in the day after.
Thanks for keeping me posted.  You did a good job.  Wassalam
On Friday, December 7, 2012, 8:51 PM (Iraqi time) Jen wrote:
Thank you for ur reply aunty H. Can I speak to the jin in English? Would they understand?  Jazakallah w khairan
On Friday, December 7, 2012 9:14 PM (California time) ruqyah.net wrote:
Yes, one time a long time ago when I was doing ruqyah the jinn was speaking Arabic to me then I told the jinn to speak English and the jinn did.
On Friday, December 14, 2012 6:36 AM (Iraqi time) Jen wrote:
“Salam aunty H

How are u? Inshallah u are in the best of health and eman 🙂
Aunty H, I did the ruqiyah again today alhumdulilah. I experienced less than I did last time so I’m guessing it’s a good thing alhumdulilah. I had pins and needles more in my left leg this time and then later on in both. I did what u said and I said “you have to leave because Allah did not make us to be mixed jn each others worlds. If u don’t leave Allah will put u in the hell fire. It’s ok repent to Allah he is the most forgiving the most merciful ” I repeated saying this several times and I felt chills through my body and the more I said it the less scared I was alhumdulilah 🙂 is this a good sign? I felt a few strange feelings in my stomach on the left side but alhumdulilah nothing painful. When I finished alhumdulilah I felt light. And then it was time to pray Maghrib and I felt light and happier and I felt like it was a beautiful salah alhumdulilah. Inshallah I will do it again like you said. When I was saying those things I didn’t hear any voices like I thought I might hear the Jin talk but alhumdulilah I didn’t.
I also felt some vibration in my left hand in the beginning but that soon went away alhumdulilah.
I can’t express how thankful I am that alhumdulilah Allah showed me to you. Jazakallah u khairan aunty.
Much love :)”
On Friday, December 14, 2012 10:46 AM (California time) ruqyah.net wrote:
Excelent …. you did a good job!  I am proud of you.  Keep doing it until when you listen to it you don’t have any reaction such as the pins, the headache, the numbness, the vibrations etc.  Way to go Jen, MasyaAllah.  You should have no doubt that Allah will help you.  Ask Allah s.w.t. to have all the Jinn/Jinns that may harm you to move out from your body before you start and thanking HIM and syukur to Allah s.w.t. each time after you completed the session.
This is all to it … by reciting selected verses of Qur’an on to the person or as you have done by listening to it, InsyaAllah Allah s.w.t. cure you.  InsyaAllah once you are cleaned you can also help others too.  Yes, you can if you choose to.
Jen, thank you very much for keeping me posted.  Again, what you did is outstanding so keep it up.  Wassalam”
On Friday, January 25, 2013 1:59 AM (Iraqi time) Jen wrote:
“Salaam w alaikum aunty H,

I haven’t written to you in a while and thought I would give u an update. Unfortunanetly after I had done the ruqiyah I had to stop because of girl issues but that became an excuse in the sense that I started to hate washing again I started to hate praying again and it’s been like this for a whole month I keep getting headaches and I keep waking up in the middle of the night, mostly always around 3am. I don’t have any energy to do anything my head always hurts my eyes are heavy.  I don’t shower too often because I am scared. I feel things in the shower on my back.  When I come out of the shower and get changed I say bismillah before I go into my room but they scare me while I get changed. I know if u say bismillah they will go but I think the ones inside me haven’t left. When I get changed they make me feel like they are walking and moving in my left side, I see shadows moving and noses suddenly become really loud.
Aunty H I really feel like I’m going crazy like I feel hopeless. I found a raqi in my area but for 5 weeks I have tried to go see him and something always comes in the way. I feel like its the jinn who are making it hard so it doesn’t happen. I feel like they are punishing me. I don’t know who to tell bout this because everyone else will think I’m crazy. I think I have become crazy too. 🙁 its very upsetting aunty H.:(“
On Friday, January 25, 2013 9:49 AM (California time) ruqyah.net:
Waalaikumussalam Jen, its good to hear from you again.  Even though it was sad to hear that you let the Jinn control you …. but you are not the only one who fell under this kind of situation/problem ….. But the good thing with you is that you are aware of it unlike with others who were denying that they had problem therefore its more difficult to get them cured.
Jen, I know this is not an easy task but I strongly believe that you can overcome it.  If I understood it correctly that you were stop after you were having “girl issues” so my suggestion to you is that you can still listen to the audio “verses of quran” during that time too because you are listening to it to cure so the more often you listen to it the better.
لاحول ولاقوة الابالله
Jen, there is no other power stronger than the power of Allah s.w.t. and no one can help a person other than that person him/herself.  Like I mentioned above that the good thing with you is that you are aware that you are having problem so you can keep on trying to get cured.  No, you are not crazy and not hopeless.  Allh s.w.t. tests a person based on the person’s strength and having the test is to make the person even stronger.  Make doa and ask Allah s.w.t. to cure you soon and at the same time you have to force yourself to go to the raqi if you can or keep on listen to the audio.  Jen, why don’t you start listen to it everyday OK InsyaAllah you will be cured.  Wassalam




Posted on November 9, 2012 at 6:44 pm

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